exceptionless / Exceptionless

Exceptionless application
Apache License 2.0
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The nuget server is so slow #463

Closed DUWENINK closed 4 years ago

DUWENINK commented 5 years ago

look my docker compose log `

root@DWK-Ubuntu:/home/duwenink/Exceptionless-5.0.0# docker-compose up
Building api Step 1/34 : FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:2.2.401 AS build ---> 08657316a4cd Step 2/34 : WORKDIR /app ---> Using cache ---> 47863949bf12 Step 3/34 : ARG VERSION_SUFFIX=0-dev ---> Using cache ---> c3e5e8ed3d57 Step 4/34 : ENV VERSION_SUFFIX=$VERSION_SUFFIX ---> Using cache ---> 27b827a0f5c5 Step 5/34 : COPY ./.sln ./NuGet.Config ./ ---> Using cache ---> 8f1adfae3223 Step 6/34 : COPY ./build/.props ./build/ ---> Using cache ---> d7d0fc44c6b6 Step 7/34 : COPY src//.csproj ./ ---> Using cache ---> 833df687d11f Step 8/34 : RUN for file in $(ls .csproj); do mkdir -p src/${file%.}/ && mv $file src/${file%.}/; done ---> Using cache ---> 00374f591102 Step 9/34 : COPY tests//.csproj ./ ---> Using cache ---> 35896e9af1b0 Step 10/34 : RUN for file in $(ls .csproj); do mkdir -p tests/${file%.}/ && mv $file tests/${file%.}/; done ---> Using cache ---> 12a445ea3e08 Step 11/34 : RUN dotnet restore ---> Running in 53c93097095c Failed to download package 'Foundatio.Hosting.8.1.2092-pre' from 'https://www.myget.org/F/exceptionless/api/v3/flatcontainer/foundatio.hosting/8.1.2092-pre/foundatio.hosting.8.1.2092-pre.nupkg'. The HTTP request to 'GET https://www.myget.org/F/exceptionless/api/v3/flatcontainer/foundatio.hosting/8.1.2092-pre/foundatio.hosting.8.1.2092-pre.nupkg' has timed out after 100000ms.


i am use the proxy and slow too

niemyjski commented 5 years ago

The build should be using nuget dependencies, but myget should be fast. Where are you located? Was myget down at the time? @ejsmith would be nice to just push rebuilt docker images that contain built artifacts.

ejsmith commented 5 years ago

Those pre packages will move to GitHub once it allows anonymous access. Also, we should probably have 2 docker-compose files. 1 that builds from source and one that uses the lastest CI built images and then maybe another one that uses official released images.

niemyjski commented 5 years ago

Is there any reason to have one that builds from source? If I have a precompiled one why would I ever want to build from source when the compiled code is always going to be the same?

DUWENINK commented 5 years ago

we are china devlopments,For well-known reasons ,we can not get this...

niemyjski commented 4 years ago

@ejsmith one more reason for having prebuilt packages.

DUWENINK commented 4 years ago


niemyjski commented 4 years ago

This should be fixed in the 6.x release, I'm working on updating the release notes and upgrade guide.