Should return completed transactions that transfer fund to the address and that were broadcasted
after the transaction with the hash equal to the afterHash.
If afterHash is empty, transactions should be read from the beginning.
Should include transactions broadcasted not using this API.
If there are no transactions to return, empty array should be returned.
Amount of the returned transactions should not exceed take.
// Lykke unique operation ID.
// Can be empty.
// Should be not empty for transactions that
// broadcasted using this Blockchain.Api
“operationId”: “guid”,
// Transaction moment as ISO 8601 in UTC
“timestamp”: “datetime”,
// Source address
“fromAddress”: “string”,
// Destination address
“toAddress”: “string”,
// Asset ID
“assetId”: “string”
// Amount without fee. Is integer as string, aligned
// to the asset accuracy. Actual value can be
// calculated as
// x = sourceAmount * (10 ^ asset.Accuracy)
“amount”: “string”,
// Transaction hash as base64 string
“hash”: “string”
[GET] /api/transactions/history/to/{address}?take=integer&[afterHash=string]
Should return completed transactions that transfer fund to the address and that were broadcasted after the transaction with the hash equal to the afterHash. If afterHash is empty, transactions should be read from the beginning. Should include transactions broadcasted not using this API. If there are no transactions to return, empty array should be returned. Amount of the returned transactions should not exceed take.
Response: [ { // Lykke unique operation ID. // Can be empty. // Should be not empty for transactions that // broadcasted using this Blockchain.Api “operationId”: “guid”,
// Transaction moment as ISO 8601 in UTC “timestamp”: “datetime”,
// Source address “fromAddress”: “string”,
// Destination address “toAddress”: “string”,
// Asset ID “assetId”: “string”
// Amount without fee. Is integer as string, aligned
// to the asset accuracy. Actual value can be
// calculated as
// x = sourceAmount * (10 ^ asset.Accuracy) “amount”: “string”,
// Transaction hash as base64 string “hash”: “string” } ]