execuc / u2if

USB to interfaces implementing MicroPython "machine" module functionalities on a computer.
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Some SPI problem with Raspberry Pi Pico #12

Open virtual42 opened 2 years ago

virtual42 commented 2 years ago

In my project, I want run "regular" Python code on my main computer and have it communicate with external devices connected through the Raspberry Pi Pico. So I use this u2if file.

In the actual use process I found that when I set the SPI configure like that (polarity=0, phase=1), But what I see in the oscilloscope is (polarity=0, phase=0). I'm very confused about this, and I'm guessing if these two parameters of polarity and phase are not actually being received, the program is still using the default parameters. Can you give me some suggestions? thanks!

Below is my code. `import busio import board import digitalio

cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP26) cs.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT cs.value = True

spi = busio.SPI(clock=board.SCK0, MOSI=board.MOSI0, MISO=board.MISO0)

while not spi.try_lock(): pass

spi.configure(baudrate=4000000, polarity=0, phase=1, bits=8)

try: cs.value = False spi.write(b'\xff') cs.value = True

finally: spi.unlock()`