executablebooks / markdown-it-docutils

A markdown-it plugin for implementing docutils style roles/directives.
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Should we parse directive options sooner? #30

Closed fwkoch closed 2 years ago

fwkoch commented 2 years ago

Describe the problem/need and solution

Maybe this is too subtle to really matter, but it feels a little strange to me that directive options are not parsed upon initial creation of the directive token.

e.g. for this:

```{abc} foo bar
:a: one
:b: two

ABC directive
we get something like:

{ type: 'directive' info: 'abc' meta: { arg: 'foo bar' } content: ':a: one\n:b: two\n\nABC directive\n' ... }

And it's not until it is resolved to a known directive that the options are pulled out. Instead, I would expect the directive token to be something like:

{ type: 'directive' info: 'abc' meta: { arg: 'foo bar' options: { a: 'one' b: 'two' } } content: 'ABC directive\n' ... }

This separates the parsing (what exactly is the syntax of the directive) from the validation (are these options correct, etc?). This separation could _potentially_ make it easier to modify some of the existing behavior (e.g. if I want to raise a warning instead of an error when I encounter an unknown option - now I'm just filtering the `directive.meta.options` rather than rewriting the parsing code.).

### Guide for implementation

_No response_

### Tasks and updates

_No response_
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chrisjsewell commented 2 years ago

Heya, This limitation comes from docutils: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html, in that, it is impossible to resolve the directive "structure", until one knows what the directive is and hence its specification; number of required/optional arguments etc.

For example:

```{admonition} first line
:class: abc

body line

resolves to:

  "type": "directive",
  "info": "admonition",
  "meta": {
    "arg": "first line",
    "options": {
      "class": "abc"
  "content": "body line\n"


```{note} first line
:class: abc

body line

resolves (differently) to:

  "type": "directive",
  "info": "note",
  "meta": {
    "arg": null,
    "options": {
      "class": "abc"
  "content": "first line\nbody line\n"

Since admontion has a required argument, but note does not.

The reason I believe they do this, is so that in RST one can write in a "terser" syntax, e.g.

.. note:: The note content
    :class: abc

rather than:

.. note::
    :class: abc

    The note content

But, for sure, it is certainly not ideal from a parsing perspective.

Then MyST "adopted" this, so that it was easier to get user to move from RST to MyST (https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/syntax/syntax.html#directives-a-block-level-extension-point)

chrisjsewell commented 2 years ago

This is not to say I am against changing this "non-declarative" syntax in the long run, but these are the historical reasons, and it will mean we would have to think of a migration strategy, for users/text that use the existing syntax

fwkoch commented 2 years ago

Hmm, yeah, I understand the historical context and I'm definitely not inclined to change that...

I think where I'm coming from is a separation between the "generic, parsed directive structure" and the final "specific, handled directive structure" (and this comes from thinking a bit about how we can define new directives independently, which would require a clean directive interface coming out of docutils).

So it would be something like:

.. note:: Some note content
    :class: abc

    More content!

-> Directive parsing pass

  "type": "directive",
  "info": "note",
  "meta": {
    "arg": "Some note content",
    "options": {
      "class": "abc"
  "content": "More content!\n"

-> Then that is passed to the "note" handler which says - "hey, arg should go into content" (and this is now specifically type note)

  "type": "note",
  "meta": {
    "arg": null,
    "options": {
      "class": "abc"
  "content": "Some note content\nMore content!\n"

Anyway, I'm not super fussed about this yet (and I'm also not too deep into the code, so I feel like I'm doing lots of hand waving...). I suspect it might come up again when we are starting to define directive plugins externally and we want to expose a nice interface so the plugin does not need to worry about parsing at all. Though maybe just defining the external directive correctly then calling directiveToData does all this in a perfectly clean way... 🤔