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Write out a strategy / vision for MyST markdown #538

Open choldgraf opened 3 years ago

choldgraf commented 3 years ago


In #526 we discussed how we'd like to discuss the vision for MyST Markdown as a community standard for authoring scientific content. We agreed that it'd be useful to write this up as a short "strategy" document and post it in the executablebooks.org repository as a blog post.

Notes from the meeting

Here are a few rough notes about ideas we had discussed, we could take these and combine them with some other high-level strategy language for the post.

choldgraf commented 3 years ago

Assigning this one to @rowanc1 since he agreed to take a first pass at this document!

rowanc1 commented 2 years ago

I have started by putting a few issues around the place, specifically in [https://github.com/executablebooks/meta/discussions/662] (which I just learned that discussions don't add backlinks 😢 ).

A bit of the things that come to mind on this ticket are below. I will start to formalize some of these into the documentation and writing that I am doing while going through mystjs and thinking how some of the other tools we have recently built openly fit into this (latex templates, jtex).

Together with @fwkoch and @chrisjsewell we have been working on an AST that is an extension of mdast. As part of that I have dived into the unified community, as well as MDX to see what we can do to help there. I think the short answer is: an extensible, well documented markdown language is needed in many places. MDX solves parts of this, but not many standard pieces, and I have yet to see something that is as comprehensive as MyST is now and can become in the future (with the appropriate enhancement proposals in place!).

I have also just gone through all of the discussion items on the meta repo, and many people are currently coming to EB from bookdown and are excited by the community activity, the possibility of improvements over time, and the connection to jupyter. There are also people coming with the expectation that "publication quality" means a latex pdf or my thesis, so I think that some of the expectation of integration to a wider ecosystem is already in place.

I have also been thinking hard about how much of the pandoc ecosystem we want to duplicate. There are decades worth of effort in that tool. I can think more on why to take on some of the responsibilities here, but top of mind are: (1) a javascript and python implementation opens up many doors (e.g. vscode extensions, in browser execution, language servers, new contributors, new communities); (2) a focus on computational & interactive content (e.g. thebe, inside jupyter); and (3) modern, not-yet-invented, web-publishing frameworks for scholarly communication (e.g. nueolibre, joss, curvenote, distillpub etc. are hinting in this direction). Two other things come to mind: (1) the javascript community has largely ignored pandoc, and has invented many other ways to do similar tools and conversions, meaning this task is more stitching together/bridging, rather than starting from scratch; and (2) we can make a bridge to and from myst <--> pandoc md to gain access to all tools in the pandoc ecosystem.

I think that there are three important areas to focus on beyond sphinx/rst for myst:

  1. web and html (including modern thesis/paper formats, e.g. distil, others)
  2. pdf & latex (yes, they are still important)
  3. word (yes, still important)

I think all of these are so very close, and many of the other formats (epub, jats) we can use pandoc for.

choldgraf commented 2 years ago


We discussed some of this in our team meeting today, and had a few related points that I'll put below:

We'll need to implement these pieces in the coming months, but wanted to note the decisions here for now!