executablebooks / meta

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Create a strategy and goals section in our `meta/` repository #839

Open choldgraf opened 1 year ago

choldgraf commented 1 year ago


Currently we have a number of different projects split across dozens of repositories. These are all run semi-independently - some growing in-tandem with one another, and others moving off in new directions.

There is a method to the madness here, and many folks on the team + the project's PIs have had informal conversations about where the project is generally heading (e.g., MyST as a standalone spec+project, exploring javascript implementations, our near-term goals for Jupyter Book functionality, governance and organizational improvements, etc). However, there is not a "source of truth" for this plan, and we don't have a public space where others can learn about it. This is especially important for external stakeholders that want to learn about the goals of the organization, but are not going to dig through issues and pull requests to figure it out.

Note: we do have an Our technical goals section but these are fairly specific and feature-focused, and also need to be updated.


I propose that we create a page in executablebooks.org that is called something like Strategy and Goals. This page would create the high-level goals for the organization and our strategic objectives to accomplish those goals. This would not change often, and much of the more dynamic decisions would happen across all of the various repositories etc.

For now, we should try to come to consensus on this language as a team, and at the least we need buy-in from the project's Principle Investigators. Once we determine the governing structure of the organization, there will need to be some organizing body that approves these kinds of policy.

Things this page could answer

Examples of pages in other orgs

chrisjsewell commented 1 year ago

Heya, as already mentioned by @rowanc1 (https://github.com/executablebooks/meta/issues/838#issuecomment-1271868456), we have already discussed strategic documentation in the team meeting (https://github.com/executablebooks/meta/issues/831#issuecomment-1271168683)

For this there is https://github.com/executablebooks/myst-eps, since such pages of high-level policy need a clear provenance of agreement, and a way to reference them etc