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How to engage publishers #95

Open chrisjsewell opened 4 years ago

chrisjsewell commented 4 years ago



jstac commented 4 years ago

The answer to @achapkowski 's question is "Yes if we generate a fully featured (or nearly fully featured) LaTeX version from the same content successfully."

choldgraf commented 4 years ago

I think this could be done in a step-wise fashion. Start off with smaller publishers or domain-specific publications (e.g. proceedings out of a professional society) that are willing to be a bit more experimental. Use that to build some use-cases and examples and refine the tech + the message. Then work the way up towards bigger but more conservative publishers (that will likely require some kind of intermediary like latex or something)

I bet that Josh (our program officer at Sloan) could help make some connections. We also have some pre-existing to those interested in this, such as @emdupre + @jbpoline and the broader NeuroLibre project, @colliand and his interests around an interactive journal for mathematics.

We should also bring in voices from the publishing and librarian world because they may be able to provide early guidance to help us avoid pitfalls.

jbpoline commented 4 years ago

@choldgraf :+1: and I would be interested to see how we could experiment with OHBM Aperture as well

achapkowski commented 4 years ago

Thanks for answering my question!