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:computer: Add support for IPC-backed plugins #1329

Open agoose77 opened 2 weeks ago

agoose77 commented 2 weeks ago

This PR fixes #1298 in a different way to #1325 by adding a new "executable" type of plugin (the approach taken in https://gist.github.com/agoose77/66700b2a172b4c11d4801f742534e4f7). Unlike #1325, this PR adds support for Python via an IPC mechanism (stdout, stdin).

1325 and this PR are not mutually exclusive; #1325 adds support for an in-process Python executor, which supports sharing stateful proxies between JS and Python. This PR, meanwhile, is fully decoupled and allows for further languages. Note that, unlike #1325, we do not vendor Python, so it is possible that users may define plugins whose environment is not sufficiently reproducible and thus see build errors.


1325 will need to be rebased and updated to use this new mechanism for declaring plugin types.

To implement such a plugin, the executable needs to support the following invocation modes:

Right now, I didn't add the validate method. We could; it's not much extra work. But do we need it? An example of a directive and transform is given in the docs of this PR.

[!CAUTION] Syntax Changes from this PR in myst.yml:

```yaml project: plugins: - test.mjs ``` ```yaml project: plugins: - type: javascript path: test.mjs - type: executable path: python.py ```

N.b. this change is opt-in; existing plugin declarations will work just fine.

rowanc1 commented 1 week ago

Can we auto detect that in the transform and expand plugin.py to the dict?


    - test.mjs
    - plugin.py

Which is basically what you wrote, but slightly nicer UX / overhead for the user. :)

rowanc1 commented 1 week ago

Note that the way you wrote it should also work, as I see now the javascript could also be an executable.

agoose77 commented 1 week ago

@rowanc1 yes, I think the forward-looking preferred syntax would be the verbose kind. For single strings, we should only support known extensions but IPC plugins don't have a specific extension. If we added support for Python as in #1325, then we'd be able to write

    - foo.mjs
    - bar.py

Otherwise, we expand non-.mjs plugins to executable plugins, and then down the road this breaks when we add support for e.g. .py.