executablebooks / mystmd

Command line tools for working with MyST Markdown.
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Remove `output` directive #1354

Closed fwkoch closed 1 week ago

fwkoch commented 1 week ago

Previously, when ingesting jupyter notebooks for myst, we created an in-memory markdown "file." For cell outputs, the output data was moved to a cache, keyed off arbitrary id, then we used an output directive in the markdown "file" with that id to inject the output back into the document... Now we just go straight from notebook to mdast; much more straight-forward and understandable, I think.

However, the little output directive with only an id is still lingering in our myst-directives (and the docs!). This directive does not have any user-facing functionality and now has no internal functionality either. I think we should just remove it.

stevejpurves commented 1 week ago

@fwkoch is there anything downstream that might be using this? a unist select() one of the themes for example?


or do you mean to remove the directive but maintain the node type?

agoose77 commented 1 week ago

@stevejpurves your example is the output AST node which we do use, it's just the directive that's redundant.