executablebooks / rst-to-myst

Convert ReStructuredText to MyST Markdown
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Notes from first use of the CLI #11

Open consideRatio opened 3 years ago

consideRatio commented 3 years ago

These are notes from converting the documentation of the https://github.com/jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s project. I just wrote that came to mind along as I used it for the first time with no prior knowledge other than its a cli to help me transform rst to myst.

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chrisjsewell commented 3 years ago

Thanks @consideRatio

I noted that ::: as a directive signal was used an directive that wasn't supported it seems, but was used for a directive that was. That made me a bit confused.

Can you expand on this a bit further, what directives are you referring to?

consideRatio commented 3 years ago

@chrisjsewell I updated the issue! I'm still adding to it btw, just didn't dare keep it in browser-memory without pressing send in between as a save mechanism :p

I noted that my generated myst directives was using colon-syntax for directives like note, and important, but not for code-block. I ended up with a mix of colon-syntax and backtick syntax for my myst directives. I had not enabled colon-syntax manually in any way or by configuration.

chrisjsewell commented 3 years ago

I found myself using rst2myst parse -f myfile.rst > myfile.md a lot, it could be nice to have some flag to modify the file in place or similar perhaps. -i, --in-place for example.

related to #6

chrisjsewell commented 3 years ago

Ha yeh no problem

chrisjsewell commented 3 years ago

I noted that my generated myst directives was using colon-syntax for directives like note, and important, but not for code-block. I ended up with a mix of colon-syntax and backtick syntax for my myst directives. I had not enabled colon-syntax manually in any way or by configuration.

As talked about at https://github.com/executablebooks/rst-to-myst#advanced-usage, the conversion of directives is dictated by https://github.com/executablebooks/rst-to-myst/blob/main/rst_to_myst/data/directives.yml. You can "update" this configuration with the --conversion my_config.yml, or I could add a flag to ignore the colon prefixes.

The idea though is that for directives that contain content that itself is Markdown, it is more helpful in standard renderers (like here on GitHub or viewing Jupyter Notebooks) to see:


This contains Markdown


rather than

> This contains *Markdown*
- With things like [links](https://example.com)

for code-blocks, the content is not Markdown, so then we want ```

In fact, while I'm thinking it now, it would be ideal to have a special case for code/code-block directives, with no options, to convert them to standard language fences, i.e.

.. code-block:: python

   a = "text"


a = "text"

rather than

```{code-block} python
a = "text"
chrisjsewell commented 3 years ago

myst - why is there a <> remaining? It seems fine though.

See https://github.com/executablebooks/mdformat/pull/38#issuecomment-699636729, i.e. its "safer", but could be removed with some extra code to check for unsafe links: https://github.com/executablebooks/mdformat/commit/a3b4de32f9fe84ae29c099c1f53262671dbe27c3

chrisjsewell commented 3 years ago

I learned that it wasn't possible to do rst2myst parse -f test.md > test.md for some reason I don't get. I would guess this would be reasonable to have working in general though, for example cat test.md | sed replacesomething > test.md. Perhaps its because we started printing content before we had finished reading it?

Probably to do with the use of https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/7.x/api/#click.File, i.e. the file is still open

chrisjsewell commented 3 years ago

Converting a .. toctree:: directive with a :titlesonly: argument worked in a way, but the generated MyST content was invalid. It became :titlesonly: None which made a difference to the toctree where nothing was shown instead of only the titles

as of v0.1.2, flags (i.e. options with no value) are converted to :key: true which should now work correctly

chrisjsewell commented 3 years ago

parse --extensions help text doesn't describe how to specify the extensions, comma separated list to load?

no at present it would be parse -e ext1 -e ext2 -e ext3, but could do comma separated and also want to add #7

chrisjsewell commented 3 years ago

A lot of this is now fixed in v0.2.0, see https://rst-to-myst.readthedocs.io/

whenever you have time, if you want to check it out and note any outstanding issues

cjolowicz commented 3 years ago


I learned that it wasn't possible to do rst2myst parse -f test.md > test.md for some reason I don't get. I would guess this would be reasonable to have working in general though, for example cat test.md | sed replacesomething > test.md. Perhaps its because we started printing content before we had finished reading it?

This is a common shell gotcha. The shell truncates the output file when opening for writing, before the command has a chance to open it for reading.