executablebooks / sphinx-book-theme

A clean book theme for scientific explanations and documentation with Sphinx
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: toggle-primary-sidebar.html #719

Closed AlexanderJuestel closed 1 year ago

AlexanderJuestel commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

context When I creating the the documentation page of GemGIS (https://gemgis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), I have recently started to see an error: jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: toggle-primary-sidebar.html.

expectation No error to occur

bug The creating of the docs fails --> https://readthedocs.org/projects/gemgis/builds/20023049/

Reproduce the bug

The creating of the docs fails --> https://readthedocs.org/projects/gemgis/builds/20023049/

List your environment

No response

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jayaddison commented 1 year ago

Hi @AlexanderJuestel - the earliest failed build that I see with this error is from 2023-03-02: https://readthedocs.org/projects/gemgis/builds/19649141/

That looks like it's fairly soon after v1.0.0 of sphinx-book-theme was released (including some breaking changes, most likely).

Have you consulted the changelog for any relevant items?

AlexanderJuestel commented 1 year ago

@jayaddison Thanks for the hint! I will check out the changelog. A temporary solution could be to pin the book theme to an earlier version?

jayaddison commented 1 year ago

@AlexanderJuestel it could be, yep - if possible though, I'd recommend trying to find the relevant change that introduced the problem, and whether it's a bug/known-issue. If so, then it'll be easier to follow along and unpin the version (or to change this theme appropriately when ready to upgrade).

AlexanderJuestel commented 1 year ago

@jayaddison One thing that I could find right away is https://github.com/executablebooks/sphinx-book-theme/pull/677/commits/60bcb7df8ea7536d09495223a32261f0dcfd0052#diff-d9e027334fa1c4b5093d44ff026f62f9e4d092fa735da8ffd1e6b96c0f645f3f

However, the changes made to https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/commits/master/sphinx/jinja2glue.py were not very revealing to me about what could have been broken.

jayaddison commented 1 year ago

Ok, thanks @AlexanderJuestel. The jinja2glue.py file seems to iterate through a series of template loaders (each with their own paths configured), and one of those should find and load the toggle-primary-sidebar.html file (that exists inside a components directory).

Currently I'm looking into the code here to try to figure out whether this additional file path is being considered at load-time: https://github.com/executablebooks/sphinx-book-theme/blob/c2664ddfbe2c3fcfaa819a57835f00ca58346cb9/src/sphinx_book_theme/__init__.py#L191-L198

AlexanderJuestel commented 1 year ago

@jayaddison thanks for your efforts! I read somewhere else that it may be related to templates. Keep me updated if you find something.

jayaddison commented 1 year ago

A self-correction: I now believe that this is the relevant code to look at: https://github.com/executablebooks/sphinx-book-theme/blob/c2664ddfbe2c3fcfaa819a57835f00ca58346cb9/src/sphinx_book_theme/__init__.py#L259-L261

Perhaps that additional entry in the template path list isn't being retained, for some reason.

jayaddison commented 1 year ago

Some more notes:

Dependency versions

So there does appear to be an incompatibility related to v1.x that gemgis may need to address (or that may be a bug here).

Template origin

The sphinx-book-theme Sphinx theme depends upon (but does not inherit from?) pydata-sphinx-theme.

The toggle-primary-sidebar.html file is part of sphinx-book-theme.

But the error that appears in the build output seems to be in the context of pydata-sphinx-theme:

Extension error (pydata_sphinx_theme):
Handler <function update_and_remove_templates at 0x...> for event 'html-page-context' threw an exception (exception: toggle-primary-sidebar.html)

Why is that? Could there be a mismatch between the template search paths for the two themes?

jayaddison commented 1 year ago

The sphinx-book-theme Sphinx theme depends upon (but does not inherit from?) pydata-sphinx-theme.

Ok, sphinx-book-theme does in fact inherit from pydata-sphinx-theme:


jayaddison commented 1 year ago

Sorry, @AlexanderJuestel - I've taken more of a look at this, but haven't been able to figure out what the root of the problem is. As you suggest, limiting the sphinx-book-theme version (to <1.0.0, or ==0.3.3, for example) should provide a workaround.

AlexanderJuestel commented 1 year ago

@jayaddison thanks for checking, I will try limiting the version and get back to you ASAP

AlexanderJuestel commented 1 year ago

@jayaddison Limiting the version to 0.3.3 resolves the issue. Closing this for now.

adam-grant-hendry commented 10 months ago

The toggle-primary-sidebar.html file is part of sphinx-book-theme.

But the error that appears in the build output seems to be in the context of pydata-sphinx-theme:

Extension error (pydata_sphinx_theme): Handler <function update_and_remove_templates at 0x...> for event 'html-page-context' threw an exception (exception: toggle-primary-sidebar.html) Why is that? Could there be a mismatch between the template search paths for the two themes?

Yes; pydata-sphinx-theme manually adds their components folder to the config.templates_path in their __init__.py/setup() method:

app.config.templates_path.append(str(theme_path / "components"))

which alters the default search path order for templates, calculated in sphinx/jinja2glue.py/BuiltinTemplateLoader.init().

Per the sphinx docs, the default search order is:

However, debugging sphinx-build with the sphinx-book-theme, we see pathchain is initially set properly by sphinx/theming.py/get_theme_dirs():


but is messed up when it gets to the point of prepending explicit template paths:


NOTE: I debug sphinx-build in VSCode on Windows 10 using the following launch.json configuration:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Sphinx Debugger",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}/.venv/Scripts/sphinx-build.exe",
            "args": ["-b", "html", "src", "build"],
            "console": "integratedTerminal",
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/docs",
            "justMyCode": false,

and then running from the Run and Debug view:


and have the following package versions:

python: 3.8.10 Sphinx: 6.2.1 jinja2: 3.1.2 sphinx-book-theme: 1.0.1 pydata-sphinx-theme: 0.14.1

adam-grant-hendry commented 10 months ago

but is messed up when it gets to the point of prepending explicit template paths:

Actually, it appears sphinx-book-theme also appends to the templates_path, but what is odd is that the "components" portion of the path is missing.

adam-grant-hendry commented 10 months ago

Just wanted to capture what's going on during a build, specifically this is run:

sphinx-build -b html src build

In this case, conf.py has sphinx_book_theme in extensions, but not pydata_sphinx_theme. i.e.:


extensions - [
    # not 'pydata_sphinx_theme',

Starting from the sphinx-build entry point (i.e. sphinx.cmd.build:main; see pyproject.toml), the following happens in sphinx/application.py/Sphinx.__init__():

  1. The conf.py file is read
  2. The sphinx_book_theme setup() method is run, after which templates_path is:
  1. config.init_values() is run, which overrides templates_path to:
  1. _init_builder() is run, calling sphinx/builds/html/__init__.py/StandaloneHTMLBuilder.init(), which calls StandaloneHTMLBuilder.init_templates().

  2. An HTMLThemeFactory creates 'sphinx_book_theme', which reloads pydata_sphinx_theme by calling its setup(), after which templates_path is:

['_templates', 'C:\\Users\\hendra11\\Code\\external\\poetry_plugin_constrain\\.venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\pydata_sphinx_theme\\theme\\pydata_sphinx_theme\\components']

The sphinx_book_theme setup() is never re-run, so sphinx is unaware of the sphinx_book_theme\\components path, so sphinx cannot find toggle-primary-sidebar.html.

adam-grant-hendry commented 10 months ago

It looks like this issue was fixed in sphinx-book-theme PR #566 precisely how I would have though to fix it: create a config-inited event:

app.connect("config-inited", update_general_config)

but it looks like it was changed to a 'builder-inited' event in PR #691:

app.connect("builder-inited", update_general_config)

This looks like it was a mistake.

adam-grant-hendry commented 10 months ago

I can confirm reverting to:

app.connect("config-inited", update_general_config)


def update_general_config(app, config):  # add config argument back

fixes the problem.

adam-grant-hendry commented 10 months ago

@AlexanderJuestel @jayaddison You have sphinx-book-theme added to extensions when it is only intended to be added to html_theme. Remove sphinx-book-theme from the extensions list, and your problem should be fixed.