executablebooks / sphinx-design

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docutils hyperlink targets don't work for clickable cards #164

Open ngulden opened 10 months ago

ngulden commented 10 months ago

Describe the bug

Thanks for providing the sphinx-design extension. I use it together with Pydata Sphinx Theme to build a navigation page for our product documentation. See https://docs.software-univention.de/. I want to convert all cards there to clickable cards.

I want to use hyperlink targets as defined in docutils. My document supports several languages. Depending on the language, I include a different link.txt file. They have the same hyperlink name, but a different hyperlink target, depending on the language.


I want to use hyperlink targets for clickable cards:

.. grid-item-card:: some title
   :link: hyperlink-target-name_


.. grid-item-card:: `some title <hyperlink-target-name_>`_

works. But then the card isn't clickable and just the title of the card. I want to whole card to be clickable with hyperlink targets.


I need the clickable card to render the link as defined in the hyperlink target.


The link then just renders to http://$host/$path/hyperlink-target-name_ instead of the external link I want to have.


This is a problem for people who have a document with different languages and need links depending on the language. The :link: option isn't part of the translation.

Reproduce the bug

  1. Create an empty Sphinx project and add the extensions pydata_sphinx_theme and sphinx_design to the conf.py.
  2. Create a file links-en.txt:
    .. _hyperlink-target: https://www.example.com
  3. Create a file links-de.txt:
    .. _hyperlink-target: https://www.example.de
  4. To your conf.py, add:
    rst_epilog = """
    .. include:: /links-en.txt

def adapt_settings_to_translation(app, config): if config.language == "de": config.rst_epilog = """ .. include:: /links-de.txt """

def setup(app): app.connect("config-inited", adapt_settings_to_translation)

5. To you `index.rst` file add:

.. grid:: 4 .. grid-item-card:: Some title :link: hyperlink-target_

### List your environment

* Python 3.9.2

pydata-sphinx-theme==0.13.3 sphinx_design==0.5.0 Sphinx==5.0.0 docutils==0.17.1

welcome[bot] commented 10 months ago

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