executablebooks / sphinx-design

A sphinx extension for designing beautiful, screen-size responsive web components.
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internationalization is not working for buttons #96

Open damian-krawczyk opened 2 years ago

damian-krawczyk commented 2 years ago

Hi @chrisjsewell I would like to ask if this something which can be fixed in v0.4.0, or do you have any workaround/solution? :)

What I've found problematic for me is that the internationalization is not working for buttons - translated button changes to text (sphinx-panels has the same problem). Maybe I'm missing something to make it work for buttons?

Here I've build an example:

source page in English translated page in Polish
image image


source page with button in English


translation of button from English to Polish


#: ../../index.rst:19 645df2e517a14ebe83fd8f2aa81331dd
msgid "Example button"
msgstr "Przykładowy przycisk"

translated page with button in Polish



source page with badge in English


translation of badge from English to Polish


#: ../../index.rst:34 3651548d5be74a61ac96278b1ec9998d
msgid ":bdg-link-primary-line:`Example badge <https://example.com>`"
msgstr ":bdg-link-primary-line:`Przykładowa odznaka <https://example.com>`"

translated page with badge in Polish


Originally posted by @damian-krawczyk in https://github.com/executablebooks/sphinx-design/issues/6#issuecomment-903299075

welcome[bot] commented 2 years ago

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chrisjsewell commented 2 years ago

Heya, well I'm happy to take PRs 🙏, but I'm not sure if will get round to figuring it out myself so soon

jpmckinney commented 1 year ago

I thought maybe the extra inline might have been causing issues but even with code like (breaks buttons that contain non-plaintext - just for testing):

         if self.content:
-            textnodes, _ = self.state.inline_text(
-                "\n".join(self.content), self.lineno + self.content_offset
-            )
-            content = nodes.inline("", "")
-            content.extend(textnodes)
+            content = nodes.Text("\n".join(self.content))
-            content = nodes.inline(target, target)
+            content = nodes.Text(target)

The above code generates what Sphinx references tend to look like, for the source (English) language:

             <reference classes="sd-sphinx-override sd-btn sd-text-wrap" refuri="https://example.com">
-                <inline>
-                    Button text
+                Button text

But using @damian-krawczyk's project as an example, the reference seems to get entirely eliminated and only the text node is rendered in the translation...

<paragraph>Przykładowy przycisk</paragraph>
jpmckinney commented 1 year ago

Also, I don't know why Sphinx extracts :bdg-link-primary-line: as part of the translatable message for the badge.

ferrine commented 1 year ago

Is there any progress on this?