I often find myself when writing proofs having long chains of homogeneous ideas, and I want to reference back to why the next line follows from the previous. To do so, it is helpful to just have little links included in proof text. This can obviously be overcome by breaking up chains of equations with sentences, but I find this tends to be cumbersome and ends up kind of blotchy and hard to follow.
The ability to do something like:
:label: sky:blue
The sky is blue.
x &= y + 2,\,\,\,\,\text{{prf:ref}`sky:blue`} \\
&= z
I often find myself when writing proofs having long chains of homogeneous ideas, and I want to reference back to why the next line follows from the previous. To do so, it is helpful to just have little links included in proof text. This can obviously be overcome by breaking up chains of equations with sentences, but I find this tends to be cumbersome and ends up kind of blotchy and hard to follow.
The ability to do something like:
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