executablebooks / team-compass

Organizational policy and internal documentation for the executablebooks community
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Document the accounts that the Executable Books project uses, and share access with team members #3

Open choldgraf opened 3 years ago

choldgraf commented 3 years ago

There are a few accounts that are generic to the Executable Books project. In some cases these are controlled by a single person, in some cases we have a generic EBP username, etc. We should share access and control of these accounts, and make them person-agnostic as much as possible so that we don't create bottlenecks and low bus factors.

While we do not want to casually give out access to services that can potentially do destructive actions, we should generally follow a practice of de-bottlenecking and increasing our bus factor for critical actions like publishing. For individuals that wish to have access, and are already trusted members of the team, we should just give it out.

We should document the services that have restricted access, who has access to it, and share access with other team members that want it.

Our goal is to have at least two team members with admin access to every account here.

Organization and administration

Google Groups


Bot accounts

Access across many repositories

Social media

Web domains

choldgraf commented 2 years ago

ping @rowanc1 who was asking about access to the npm repository I believe

rowanc1 commented 2 years ago

Thanks! I think at the very least we should have a project-leader/admin on all npm packages (thebe, mystjs, markdown-it-..., unified-myst) that can help out with setting up new maintainers over time.

List of the npm repos:

choldgraf commented 2 years ago

Yeah I agree, the process that we roughly tend to follow in JupyterHub is that:

I think the main point is that you assume that team members can be trusted, and that the risk of a team member doing something they shouldn't is smaller than the risk of having information silos and bottlenecks of permissions.

rowanc1 commented 2 years ago

I have turned the above npm repos into a list, and followed the guidance above (at least two project members on each).

stevejpurves commented 2 years ago

@choldgraf I've added you as an admin to thebe-core on npm and github. Regarding thebe, the only maintainer there on npm is @minrk I think

minrk commented 2 years ago

I added @choldgraf and @stevejpurves to thebe, LMK if there's anything else you need

choldgraf commented 2 years ago

Many thanks @minrk and @stevejpurves / @rowanc1 for doing a round of access-sharing. I just confirmed that a bunch of people have edit access to the EBP Google Drive folder as well.

I also noticed that we have the ebp-bot to centralize access for github and pypi. What do folks think about doing this for Read the Docs and NPM as well?

Here are some next actions for myself and @chrisjsewell:


can you please:


I'll tackle these:

I've also decided to create two new places for conversation for the project. Both of them are Google Groups. I've set both groups to be post-able by anybody on the internet. I think groups will be easier to provide access to many people instead of using an individual email like executablebooks@gmail.com. Here's a summary of each group:

I'll open up a PR to document this once we figure out the access stuff for the bots etc above.

rowanc1 commented 2 years ago

Thanks @chrisjsewell for adding the markdown-it- repos! I think the only ones left to add are the unified-myst (https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=unified-myst) team account. That is likely something that should be shared with @choldgraf as well as that is much easier to have team administration on.

choldgraf commented 1 year ago

Could we use ebp-bot for centralizing access?

It occurs to me that one approach we could take here is to use ebp-bot for as much as possible as the "minimal accounts with access" requirement for all of our accounts. Then as long as the steering council always has admin access to the ebp-bot, we do not need to do a huge update every time there is churn. For example, we could use ebp-bot as the primary pusher to PyPI and the main account on all ReadTheDocs sites.

Just writing this thought down so I don't lose it. Curious what others think.

choldgraf commented 1 year ago

Added domain access to top comment

I added the accounts for our various web domains to the top comment, since that's another shared resource that we use. I've noted that @rowanc1 has manager access to the namecheap account as well, so that he can set up the e-mail for our new google workspace account.