exein-io / pulsar

A modular and blazing fast runtime security tool for the IoT, powered by eBPF.
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modules api: support for an extra function working the state #288

Closed banditopazzo closed 2 months ago

banditopazzo commented 3 months ago

Add support for an extra function operating on the state.

The function needs a trigger (a Future) and an action (another Future). Under the hood they are used in a tokio::select! in the main loop of a module similar to this:

loop {
  tokio::select! {
   // ...
    out = trigger() => {
   // ...

Note: This is a simplified version of the loop, please refer to the code for more details

bobozaur commented 3 months ago

Hello, I hope I'm not barging in :sweat_smile: . Posting here since Domenico is OOO.

I've been talking with Domenico this week about the interfaces exposed here for PulsarModule and Extra<T: PulsarModule> as he was finding the relationship between Extra and PulsarModule hacky and non-intuitive.

Quite a few unsatisfactory ideas later I still had a background thread thinking about this and I'm actually embarrassed for not figuring this out much sooner, but the desired behavior that Domenico wants can be achieved this way: https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&edition=2021&gist=6dd15c4e5d7b2a84225ef7aeaad4f5cc

Just have the PulsarModule be a combination of the current PulsarModule and Extra . Users that want the "full" behavior (with trigger and action ) implement PulsarModule.

For "basic" modules, expose another trait: BasicPulsarModule, which is a copy of PulsarModule except for the action and trigger methods which are missing. Then do a blanket impl<T: BasicPulsarModule> PulsarModule for T which uses the "dummy" action and trigger methods that the current NoExtra implements. Users can choose to implement this trait instead if they don't need the additional functionalities that PulsarModule provides. And then just use PulsarModule in trait bounds, as both implementors of PulsarModule and BasicPulsarModule will work.

With some basic documentation explaining the difference between PulsarModule and BasicPulsarModule people should not have problems choosing which one to use. I think this conveys better what each of the interfaces are for, can be documented properly, and especially removes the need to set the confusing Extra associated type to some dummy NoExtra type.

@vadorovsky I could make these changes myself and push a commit if you want this done faster while Domenico is away.

vadorovsky commented 3 months ago

@bobozaur Sorry for missing your message! How long is Domenico OOO?

Yes, I like the BasicPulsarModule vs PulsarModule distinction much more than PulsarModule and Extra. Your example looks good to me too. I would say, feel free to push the changes or make a separate PR.

bobozaur commented 3 months ago

@vadorovsky I opened a separate PR. The calendar entry says Domenico will be out until Wednesday, which is why I thought it might be better to leave my suggestion here in case there's any urgency.

Ideally I'd prefer to wait for Domenico to get back before merging my PR just to make sure he's on board with the approach as well, but I'll leave it to you if you think this should be merged sooner.