exelban / stats

macOS system monitor in your menu bar
MIT License
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Combined modules not displaying #1908

Closed theangrydev closed 3 months ago

theangrydev commented 4 months ago

image Stats.plist.zip

eric-saintetienne commented 4 months ago

Same thing here, combined do not display anything.

But you're lucky to get that many because even when not combining them, I get only a few of them displayed, somtimes it's the battery, the network, sometimes the cpu and/or the bluetooth, but I've never got that many widgets displayed at once like you.

Tinkering a bit more, I've found that it's as if the Stats app was limited in space, as if it couldn't use as much space as it needs on the bar, so some icons won't be shown even if they're enabled.

Circling back to your problem, if the total number of icons, once combined, is larger than that space that is available for Stats on the bar, then it won't show. If you're not convinced, start disabling some, one by one, until the combined icon shows (because it fits the width).

Maybe that's due to the camera taking some space of the screen at the top, I've also try to use the "Hidden Bar" app but it didn't help much.

exelban commented 4 months ago

Hi. Hmm, strange. I have imported your settings and everything works fine. Need to debug that. If you can reproduce that problem at any time I can make a debug build that will tell more what is going on.

theangrydev commented 4 months ago

@exelban sure happy to retry with a debug build, this reproduces consistently for me

exelban commented 4 months ago

hi. Thanks for your help. There is a debug build: Stats.dmg.zip

Please run this build. It will collect some logs to the Documents/log.txt. Please share these logs afterward.