exercism / arturo

Exercism exercises in Arturo.
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Exercise implementation tracker #22

Open BNAndras opened 1 month ago

BNAndras commented 1 month ago

Tracking for exercises both claimed and merged.



ErikSchierboom commented 1 month ago

I'll do collatz conjecture.

ErikSchierboom commented 1 month ago

And bob

ErikSchierboom commented 1 month ago

And high-scores

ErikSchierboom commented 1 month ago

I'll do raindrops

ErikSchierboom commented 1 month ago

I'll do gigasecond

ErikSchierboom commented 1 month ago

I'll do nucleotide-count and isogram too.

ErikSchierboom commented 1 month ago

And resistor-color

ErikSchierboom commented 1 month ago

And series

ErikSchierboom commented 1 month ago

And difference-of-squares

ErikSchierboom commented 1 month ago

And eliuds-eggs

ErikSchierboom commented 1 month ago

this is the sample curriculum from the docs so we shouldn’t deviate too much.

It's totally fine to deviate from this BTW :)

ErikSchierboom commented 1 month ago

I'll do yacht

BNAndras commented 1 month ago

Yup, I was just feeling a bit guilty since I didn't include any hard exercises for Pyret at launch. They were mainly easy with a few mediums. :)

ErikSchierboom commented 1 month ago

I'll try zebra-puzzle to have a more difficulty exercise.

BNAndras commented 1 month ago

I'll work on binary-search, protein-translation, scrabble-score, luhn, pig-latin, space-age, secret-handshake, and robot-simulator. That'll cover us for a lot of the #48in24 exercises so far this year.

ErikSchierboom commented 4 weeks ago

I'll do square-root and run-length-encoding.

BNAndras commented 4 weeks ago

I'll take queen-attack and phone-number after luhn and pig-latin. For robot-simulator. I have a working Red solution I can adapt for this track later this week.

ErikSchierboom commented 4 weeks ago

I'll take rotational-cipher

ErikSchierboom commented 3 weeks ago

I'll do matching-brackets and flatten-array.

ErikSchierboom commented 3 weeks ago

@BNAndras We can now use https://exercism.org/challenges/48in24/implementation_status/arturo to check the 48in24 progress for Arturo. See https://forum.exercism.org/t/track-specific-implementation-status-page/11588

ErikSchierboom commented 3 weeks ago

I'll take pascals-triangle too

ErikSchierboom commented 3 weeks ago

I'll do food-chain

BNAndras commented 3 weeks ago

I’ll do spiral matrix.

ErikSchierboom commented 1 week ago

I'll do list-ops