$ bin/configlet sync
Updating cached 'problem-specifications' data...
Checking exercises...
[warn] docs: instructions unsynced: atbash-cipher
[warn] docs: instructions unsynced: roman-numerals
[warn] docs: instructions unsynced: variable-length-quantity
[warn] docs: instructions unsynced: word-count
[warn] roman-numerals: missing 2 test cases
- 3001 is MMMI (3bc4b41c-c2e6-49d9-9142-420691504336)
- 3999 is MMMCMXCIX (4e18e96b-5fbb-43df-a91b-9cb511fe0856)
[warn] series: missing 1 test case
- slice length is way too large (d7957455-346d-4e47-8e4b-87ed1564c6d7)
[warn] triangle: missing 2 test cases
- scalene triangle -> first and third sides are equal (3da23a91-a166-419a-9abf-baf4868fd985)
- scalene triangle -> second and third sides are equal (b6a75d98-1fef-4c42-8e9a-9db854ba0a4d)
[warn] some exercises have unsynced docs
[warn] some exercises are missing test cases