exercism / bqn

Exercism exercises in BQN.
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Setting up Test Runner (Docker) #6

Open gitonthescene opened 1 year ago

gitonthescene commented 1 year ago

To get the Test Runner up we'll need to set up a Docker instance.

Currently there are no plans to set up official releases with versions for BQN, so we'll likely have to pin our builds to a specific commit. This opens up longer term questions about how we maintain this Docker instance, but I think having anything up and running is probably worth doing first.

There's a reference to a GUIX build here, but no link. Searching found references to a build, but it's not listed among the packages. Perhaps it hasn't been accepted yet? I don't know much about Guix, but if possible, I'd like to leverage other people's work.

The NIX build I found appears to be deprecated. Not sure if there's another one floating around.

And it's always an option to set up a build from scratch by hook or by crook. Nothing saying we can't change this later.

gitonthescene commented 1 year ago

Hmmm.. I do see a java version of bqn among the Guix packages.

m3m0ry commented 1 year ago

Let me worry about docker. That's something I actually know how to do :)

I can put together a Dockerfile, which compiles and installs CBQN. I compiled CBQN on my own machine and it was trivial.

Regarding maintenance, I am used to gitlab, where if the Dockerfile changes, the docker image ist automatically build.

I looked at other test-runners. For example wren another rather niche/new language also just gets the compiler from git and compiles it.

m3m0ry commented 1 year ago

I have opened the exercism issue to get the repository.

gitonthescene commented 1 year ago

Sounds good. Thanks.

m3m0ry commented 1 year ago

We have a repo now. I have uploaded the dockerfile there.

razetime commented 8 months ago

so, CBQN seems to have official releases now: https://github.com/dzaima/CBQN/tags