exercism / c

Exercism exercises in C.
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Add prerequisites to Practice Exercises #606

Open ErikSchierboom opened 3 years ago

ErikSchierboom commented 3 years ago

This issue is part of the migration to v3. You can read full details about the various changes here.

Exercism v3 introduces a new type of exercise: Concept Exercises. All existing (V2) exercises will become Practice Exercises.

Concept Exercises and Practice Exercises are linked to each other via Concepts. Concepts are taught by Concept Exercises and practiced in Practice Exercises. Each Exercise (Concept or Practice) has prerequisites, which must be met to unlock an Exercise - once all the prerequisite Concepts have been "taught" by a Concept Exercise, the exercise itself becomes unlocked.

For example, in some languages completing the Concept Exercises that teach the "String Interpolation" and "Optional Parameters" concepts might then unlock the two-fer Practice Exercise.

Each Practice Exercise has two fields containing concepts: a practices field and a prerequisites field.


The practices key should list the slugs of Concepts that this Practice Exercise actively allows a student to practice.


The prerequisites key lists the Concept Exercises that a student must have completed in order to access this Practice Exercise.

Although ideally all Concepts should be taught by Concept Exercises, we recognise that it will take time for tracks to achieve that. Any Practice Exercises that have prerequisites which are not taught by Concept Exercises, will become unlocked once the final Concept Exercise has been completed.



The "practices" field of each element in the "exercises.practice" field in the config.json file should be updated to contain the practice concepts. See the spec.

To help with identifying the practice concepts, the "topics" field can be used (if it has any contents). Once prerequisites have been defined for a Practice Exercise, the "topics" field should be removed.

Each practice concept should have its own entry in the top-level "concepts" array. See the spec.


The "prerequisites" field of each element in the "exercises.practice" field in the config.json file should be updated to contain the prerequisite concepts. See the spec.

To help with identifying the prerequisites, the "topics" field can be used (if it has any contents). Once prerequisites have been defined for a Practice Exercise, the "topics" field should be removed.

Each prerequisite concept should have its own entry in the top-level "concepts" array. See the spec.


  "exercises": {
    "practice": [
        "uuid": "8ba15933-29a2-49b1-a9ce-70474bad3007",
        "slug": "leap",
        "name": "Leap",
        "practices": ["if-statements", "numbers", "operator-precedence"],
        "prerequisites": ["if-statements", "numbers"],
        "difficulty": 1



ErikSchierboom commented 3 years ago

⚠ The spec for Practice Exercises has changed. Besides having a prerequisites field, each Practice Exercise should now also have a practices field, which should list the slugs of Concepts that this Practice Exercise actively allows a student to practice. See the spec for more information.

The issue's text has been updated to reflect the updated spec.

kana800 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I would like to work on this issue. Let me know if its available Cheers!

wolf99 commented 2 years ago

Hi @kana800,

My understanding is that this is about specifying the concept exercises that are prerequisites to the practice exercises or other concept exercises.

But we don't have any concept exercises yet, so it is not possible for them to be prerequisites.

If you would like to look at work on concept exercises themselves, that would be great!

sinmi-hub commented 4 weeks ago

Is this issue still open? I would love to start working on a project for Concept Exercise for C. I see that there is none on exercism

wolf99 commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @sinmi-hub It would be great to have a contribution! Please see #586 which is the issue for the needed first concept exercise.