exercism / cairo

Exercism exercises in Cairo.
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Exercises to add #113

Open BNAndras opened 1 month ago

BNAndras commented 1 month ago

Exercises to add



BNAndras commented 2 weeks ago

I'll add luhn (week 12), secret-handshake (week 27), phone-number (week 36), and isogram (week 37) as well.

BNAndras commented 2 weeks ago

I'll add bob (week 38). There are some exercises besides the #48in24 ones I can toss in there namely atbash-cipher, etl, perfect-numbers, resistor-color, resistor-color-duo, and triangle. I think that'd be it for a while since I'd need to learn more about traits and types for some of the other exercises I could bring over.

0xNeshi commented 2 weeks ago

@BNAndras sounds awesome, go for it! :heart: