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Format all markdown files to have one sentence per line #285

Closed 0xNeshi closed 1 month ago

0xNeshi commented 1 month ago

See https://exercism.org/docs/building/markdown/markdown

There is an extension for markdownlint-cli2, but I'd rather avoid another 3rd party dependency. We can copy/paste the code we need.


"use strict";

const indentFor = (string, indentation) => { // eslint-disable-next-line max-len const regex = new RegExp( "^(?(" + indentation + "))(?- |> |>|\ |\d+\. )?", ); const match = regex.exec(string); if (!match) { return ""; } let indentSize = 0; if (match.groups?.indents) { indentSize = match.groups.indents.length / indentation.length; } if (match.groups?.adds) { if (match.groups.adds.includes(">")) { return indentation.repeat(indentSize) + match.groups.adds; } indentSize++; } return indentation.repeat(indentSize); };

const isAfterIgnoredWord = (ignoredWords, line, i) => { for (const ignoredWord of ignoredWords) { const lastWordInLine = line.substring(i - ignoredWord.length, i); if (ignoredWord === lastWordInLine.toLowerCase()) { return true; } }

return false; };

module.exports = { names: ["max-one-sentence-per-line"], description: "Max 1 sentence should be on a line", information: new URL( "https://github.com/aepfli/markdownlint-rule-max-one-sentence-per-line", ), tags: ["sentences"], function: (params, onError) => { const ignoredWords = params.config.ignored_words || [ "ie", "i.e", "eg", "e.g", "etc", "ex", ]; const lineEndings = params.config.line_endings || [".", "?", "!"]; const sentenceStartRegex = params.config.sentencestart || "^\s+(\w|[*'\"])"; const contextSize = Number(params.config.context_length || 14); const indentation = params.config.indentation || " ";

const sentenceStart = new RegExp(sentenceStartRegex);

const relevantTokens = [];
for (let i = 0; i < params.tokens.length; i++) {
  const token = params.tokens[i];
  if (
    token.type === "paragraph_open" &&
    params.tokens[i + 1].type === "inline"
  ) {
    relevantTokens.push(params.tokens[i + 1]);

for (const relevantToken of relevantTokens) {
  for (const token of relevantToken.children) {
    const lineNumber = token.lineNumber;
    if (token.type === "text") {
      const content = token.content;
      for (let i = 0; i < content.length - 2; i += 1) {
        if (lineEndings.includes(content[i])) {
          const sentence = sentenceStart.exec(content.substr(i + 1));
          if (
            sentence !== null &&
            !isAfterIgnoredWord(ignoredWords, content, i)
          ) {
            const spaces = sentence[1];
            const pointInLine = token.line.indexOf(content) + i;
                lineNumber,  // Report error on paragraph start
                detail: "Each sentence should be on its own line.",
                fixInfo: {
                editColumn: pointInLine + 2,
                deleteCount: spaces.length,
                    "\n" + indentFor(relevantToken.line, indentation),

}, };

- run `./bin/lint_markdown --fix`