exercism / cli

A Go based command line tool for exercism.org.
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snap package prints erroneous token config instructions #905

Open bradleybossard opened 4 years ago

bradleybossard commented 4 years ago

I haven't used exercism for a while, but upon deciding to revisit after a hiatus, I was pleased to find there is now a snap package available. Following the instructions at


> sudo snap install exercism

and then, admittedly, not completely following all the instructions, I jumped to trying to install an exercise, and got the following error message

> exercism download --exercise=hello-world --track=typescript

    Welcome to Exercism!

    To get started, you need to configure the tool with your API token.
    Find your token at


    Then run the configure command:

        /snap/exercism/5/exercism configure --token=YOUR_TOKEN

In copying the instructions and replacing with my token

/snap/exercism/5/exercism configure --token=<my_token>

and getting a positive confirmation message that it had worked correctly, I tried re-downloading the exercise

> exercism download --exercise=hello-world --track=typescript

only to receive the same error message. After a minor amount of debugging to determine the path of the actual exercism binary

> which exercism

and using the updated path when running configure

/snap/bin/exercism configure --token=<my_token>

it worked. Ultimately, I stumbled upon the correct instruction on the third page of


exercism configure --token=<my_token>

But it seems like the command

> exercism download --exercise=<exercise-name> --track=<language>

should output this instead of the /snap/exercism/5/exercism path.

I realize I probably should have RTFM and I don't know enough about snaps to know how hard it is to fix, but seems like a reasonable fix given it's a beginner tool and the much appreciated effort for creating the snap.

ric2b commented 4 years ago

I'm not familiar with go but it sounds like that's coming straight from the program's first argument:


It's later used to format this string:


So this might not be an easy fix, if it's tied to how snap calls the executable.

kotp commented 4 years ago

@NobbZ Probably related to many of the snap related installation support questions we get on Gitter.

NobbZ commented 4 years ago

Yes. This is exactly the same issue.

And as I personally refuse to use snap (and it is also not available for my OS) I can't get into it, but I think that these problems are caused by snaps sandboxing model and inidirections.

I think we need to reconsider the complete process of discovering and reading the configuration to make it suitable to snap.

NobbZ commented 3 years ago

It seems as if we see more and more users struck by this problem in the gitter.

While it have been one or two in a month at the beginning, we now see them multiple times a week.

We really need to find why this is an issue and fix it, or deprecated the snap build.

NobbZ commented 3 years ago

My assumption is, that something in the snap wrapper touches the environment and changes XDG_* variables, but does so in a non-reliable way.

Or if it happens reliable, then the exercism binary does not consistently use those variables to resolve location of the config file.