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Update anagram tests #784

Closed CadeMichael closed 6 months ago

CadeMichael commented 6 months ago

Followed the guide for updating testcases, using configlet to sync test.toml and making the updates in the testfile.

vaeng commented 6 months ago

Hey, thanks for the PR.

Do I understand correctly, that you updated the toml-file to reflect the current state of the tests and rewrote the tests to the format, that is outlined in the wiki?

If yes: would you be able to add the missing test cases as well?

CadeMichael commented 6 months ago

Hey, thanks for the PR.

Do I understand correctly, that you updated the toml-file to reflect the current state of the tests and rewrote the tests to the format, that is outlined in the wiki?

If yes: would you be able to add the missing test cases as well?

Yep! I got configlit to sync and update the toml and then made the changes. How do you mean missing tests? I took out the non included ones and added the new versions. Do you mean add the uuid's to the pre existing tests?

IsaacG commented 6 months ago

Yep! I got configlit to sync and update the toml and then made the changes. How do you mean missing tests? I took out the non included ones and added the new versions. Do you mean add the uuid's to the pre existing tests?

The TOML file is metadata about the unit tests. The unit tests list in the cpp test file. Any changes to the TOML files should have a corresponding change in the test.cpp file.

CadeMichael commented 6 months ago

Yep! I got configlit to sync and update the toml and then made the changes. How do you mean missing tests? I took out the non included ones and added the new versions. Do you mean add the uuid's to the pre existing tests?

The TOML file is metadata about the unit tests. The unit tests list in the cpp test file. Any changes to the TOML files should have a corresponding change in the test.cpp file.

Got it that's what I did, got the changes to sync then updated the cpp test file. Sorry for the imprecise wording I did no manual changes to the TOML I meant made changes to the cpp test file.

vaeng commented 6 months ago

I am not sure we mean the same thing.

Our goal for the track is to implement every test from the problem-specification as a single test case. The problem-spec for anagram has 22 different test cases. The anagram_test.cpp has 16.

Unless there is a good reason to skip certain tests, this goal is not yet fulfilled for your implementation. This could be a question of unicode representation ("fd3509e5-e3ba-409d-ac3d-a9ac84d13296") or capitalization of non-ascii letters ("a6854f66-eec1-4afd-a137-62ef2870c051").

In your test,cpp file some cases are missing their uuid.

CadeMichael commented 6 months ago

Gotcha so even when it says

[a0705568-628c-4b55-9798-82e4acde51ca] description = "words other than themselves can be anagrams" include = false

the test should be included. I assumed it meant include the newer version and skip the old version I'll put the old version back. I added the UUID for the new tests I'll put them in for the old tests as well.

IsaacG commented 6 months ago

include = false

If it says include = false this indicates that a particular test was explicitly excluded for some reason. Typically this occurs when the test doesn't make sense for a particular language for some reason. Or when a specific test is superseded ("reimplemented") by another test, but I'm not certain about that.

CadeMichael commented 6 months ago

should I put the tests back in that say 'include = false' ?

IsaacG commented 6 months ago

Looking at the canonical cases,

» jq -r '.cases[]|.uuid' canonical-data.json  | grep -vf <( jq -r '.cases[]|select(.reimplements).reimplements' canonical-data.json)

That's the list of not-reimplemented test cases which ought to show up in the test file.

I noticed some of the TEST_CASE entries in the test file contain the UUID and others do not; if updating this file, it would be nice to add them to all TEST_CASE entries.

It looks like the test code in the PR does have all the expected test cases expect the last two which were recently added with "scenarios": ["unicode"]. Depending on whether or not the C++ would like to add Unicode to this exercise, those may or may not be wanted here. Ignoring those, I think the test file looks like the tests are all correctly synced. All the test cases appear to use the same data as the problem specs.

IsaacG commented 6 months ago

The problem-spec for anagram has 22 different test cases. The anagram_test.cpp has 16.

The problem spec has 22 test cases but 6 are reimplemented so only 16 ought to show up.

CadeMichael commented 6 months ago

I added the uuid's but not the 'include = false' tests I can add those if needed pls let me know.

vaeng commented 6 months ago

I added the uuid's but not the 'include = false' tests I can add those if needed pls let me know.

Yes, please include all the tests even the "false" ones if you can.

Edit: this might be wrong, please ignore for the time being.

IsaacG commented 6 months ago

Yes, please include all the tests even the "false" ones if you can.

In the tests.toml or in the C++ unit tests?

vaeng commented 6 months ago

Sorry, I need to look into the 'false'. all the way. I was not aware of the implementation.

We do need to discuss the unicode thing though. @siebenschlaefer What is your opinion on the topic?

CadeMichael commented 6 months ago

got it added all tests

vaeng commented 6 months ago

@CadeMichael I am sorry for the confusion. I have not seen that some tests are not supposed to be included in the tests, as they are updated. I first thought you had added the include = false yourself so that the test.toml reflected the original state of the tests.

You were right not including them. Thanks for adding all the uuids.

For the failing tests, we have to update the catch version. At least I think that this is the issue. Unique names are not required for catch2, as long as the tags are different.

vaeng commented 6 months ago

Catch2 v3 changes run fine on my machine, but make problems in the CI.

I see two ways:

I have touched on the subject of the latter alternative with @siebenschlaefer in a private conversation. In the short term we should do the second, in the long term we should also implement catch2 v3 into normal exercises. Currently the test-runner uses a new version, but the "prepackaged" version that is downloaded to user directories and used in the CI is not new.

siebenschlaefer commented 6 months ago

We do need to discuss the unicode thing though. @siebenschlaefer What is your opinion on the topic?

Reversing a Unicode string correctly without a library is nearly impossible, unless you only want to handle some basic/simple cases. Bethanyg did write a little bit about it on Slack and in a discussion here on GitHub.

We could include ICU in our docker image but I'd vote against it. Proper Unicode handling would make this a different exercise, and a much harder one.

vaeng commented 6 months ago

I also vote to not include unicode tests. The correct way would be to have an inlcude = false line for these, when I read the docs correctly?

IsaacG commented 6 months ago

I also vote to not include unicode tests. The correct way would be to have an inlcude = false line for these, when I read the docs correctly?

Yup. This would be where you'd set that manually.

CadeMichael commented 6 months ago

Alright I will remove the include false tests and the unicode tests and add include = false to those. The commit will be in within 5 min of this comment.