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fix(crypto-square): put test name on single line #845

Closed ahans closed 3 months ago

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iHiD commented 3 months ago

Just to be sure, is the issue the "spaces" or that the whole TEST_CASE line is over two lines?

    "54 character plaintext results in 7 chunks, the last two with trailing "
    // clang-format off
    "54 character plaintext results in 7 chunks, the last two with trailing spaces",
    // clang-format on
ahans commented 3 months ago

Just to be sure, is the issue the "spaces" or that the whole TEST_CASE line is over two lines?

    "54 character plaintext results in 7 chunks, the last two with trailing "
    // clang-format off
    "54 character plaintext results in 7 chunks, the last two with trailing spaces",
    // clang-format on

In the original review, it sounded like multi-line strings are the issue. But I just had a quick look at the parser of the runner and it seems to be quite primitive. We need to disable clang-format anyway, so we can just as well put everything on a single line just to be sure. Let me quickly change that. Also for the other tests.

ahans commented 3 months ago

Here's the relevant comment from the original review: https://github.com/exercism/cpp/pull/827#discussion_r1510922224

siebenschlaefer commented 3 months ago

@iHiD The test runner searches the name of the tests in the _tests.cpp file. https://github.com/exercism/cpp-test-runner/blob/main/src/xml2json.cpp#L192 But if the string with the name is split it will not be found.

siebenschlaefer commented 3 months ago

@ahans Is that second commit really necessary, with all those // clang-format lines? Shouldn't the first one that joins the test name be enough?

ahans commented 3 months ago

@ahans Is that second commit really necessary, with all those // clang-format lines? Shouldn't the first one that joins the test name be enough?

That was in response to @iHiD's comment. Just to be on the safe side. I'm still not fully following what the parser is doing. If test_case.name comes from elsewhere (tests.toml?) then it should not be necessary. I can revert it if you prefer. But I think it doesn't matter that much, since it's a temporary thing anyways, isn't it?

siebenschlaefer commented 3 months ago

I'm still not fully following what the parser is doing. If test_case.name comes from elsewhere (tests.toml?) then it should not be necessary.

The website should be able to display the test code. Therefore the xml2json.cpp extracts the code of each test from the slug_test.cpp. @vaeng will be able to explain that better than me, he wrote the test runner.

But I think it doesn't matter that much, since it's a temporary thing anyways, isn't it?

I'm not following, why is it temporary?

ahans commented 3 months ago

@ahans Is that second commit really necessary, with all those // clang-format lines? Shouldn't the first one that joins the test name be enough?

@siebenschlaefer I reverted that now and confirmed with the test runner locally that it still works.

With the crypto-square test from main, this is the error message:

Error: basic_string::substr: __pos (which is 18446744073709551615) > this->size() (which is 1966)
crypto-square: done

With the crypto_square_test.cpp from this PR, the error message goes away and the produced JSON file looks reasonable.

ahans commented 3 months ago

But I think it doesn't matter that much, since it's a temporary thing anyways, isn't it?

I'm not following, why is it temporary?

Because it's a known limitation of the test runner that I will look into fixing. I can think of a quite simple fix for the multi-line string issue that we're facing here, but ideally, the parser would be able to handle any valid C++ code. Anyway, I will add some thoughts over at this issue.

vaeng commented 3 months ago

The test runner in v3 had to print the code that is actually run for each test.

I wrote the runner to search for the "name" lines in the $slug_test.cpp to parse the content for each test case.

If the name is split, it cannot find the positions and fails.

iHiD commented 3 months ago

Thanks all!

iHiD commented 3 months ago

One question - why did the CI not detect that the previous test broke things? Maybe something we can add?

vaeng commented 3 months ago

One question - why did the CI not detect that the previous test broke things? Maybe something we can add?

We would have to compile the same program that the test runner is using and use that binary with the CI, then check the validity of the resulting json

iHiD commented 3 months ago

We would have to compile the same program that the test runner is using and use that binary with the CI, then check the validity of the resulting json

Many test-runners spin up the Dockerfile that's built for production and run some golden tests in there. I'm guessing that's not the case here then? I think @ErikSchierboom has a pretty quick workflow to add that to a repo, so maybe he does that when he's back?

vaeng commented 3 months ago

The test runners golden tests are in place. This exercise had a "malformed" test file, that compiles fine, but will not parse the JSON parsing in the test runner during production.

The only way I see to detect this beforehand is to run every commit through the real thing

ahans commented 3 months ago

The only way I see to detect this beforehand is to run every commit through the real thing

Having a full-blown integration test that runs each example implementation through an instance of the Docker image would probably be the most complete solution. But the critical part is the parsing. Wouldn't it be possible to combine this with the regular tests using the example implementations? The executables are built anyway. Just run them again with -r xml, pass the result along with the test source file through exercism_parser. Make sure that it exits successfully and the json file looks reasonable. I think this would have caught this bug.