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Exercism exercises in C#.
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Check ordering of core exercises #611

Closed ErikSchierboom closed 5 years ago

ErikSchierboom commented 6 years ago

I just received some feedback from a student that he thought the sum-of-multiples exercise was way harder than the previous exercises. We should look into the current order and see if the difficulty is progressing as smoothly as possible.

pdmoore commented 6 years ago

Similarly, "Two Fer" comes after Bob and Raindrops. On the Java track "Two Fer" is the first exercise after Hello World. On C# track "Two Fer" is the 6th exercise and doesn't really add to what has already been covered.

ErikSchierboom commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! I'll come up with a new proposal soon.

ErikSchierboom commented 6 years ago

Some initial thoughts on this:

ErikSchierboom commented 6 years ago

@jpreese @robkeim Your thoughts on this?

ErikSchierboom commented 6 years ago

This is the current list of core exercises and their topics:

And these are the topics and their counts:

robkeim commented 6 years ago

Do we have data that we could use from before the release of Exercism v2 that would help us determine this order? Some values such as:

Might help give us more insight and the true "difficulty" of exercises as perceived by the students. With the release of v2 we can't trust the stats as much for the existing core exercises since we're forcing students into a specific order, but that wasn't the case in the first version.

ErikSchierboom commented 6 years ago

I don't think we have that data unfortunately. We'll have to rely on gut feeling, and what our experience as mentors tell us. I hope to make a proposal for a new order today.

ErikSchierboom commented 6 years ago

While working on the re-ordering, here are some of my thoughts on the current track's status:

ErikSchierboom commented 6 years ago

This is my proposal for the new track progression:

Difficulty: easy

two-fer (core): optional_values, strings -> reverse-string: strings -> pangram: strings -> isogram: filtering, strings -> gigasecond (core): dates

space-age (core): floating point numbers -> difference-of-squares: control_flow_loops, integers, math -> sum-of-multiples: arrays, math, transforming -> collatz-conjecture: algorithms, control_flow_conditionals, control_flow_loops, integers, math -> grains: integers -> armstrong-numbers: math

hamming (core): filtering, strings -> error-handling: exception_handling -> accumulate: extension_methods, sequences, transforming -> strain: filtering, sequences -> scrabble-score: transforming -> protein-translation: lists, strings, transforming

nucleotide-count (core): dictionaries, strings -> etl: dictionaries, lists, transforming -> sieve: filtering, math -> binary-search: arrays, searching -> word-count: dictionaries, strings, transforming

bob (core): control_flow_if_else_statements, strings -> raindrops: filtering, strings
-> rna-transcription: strings, transforming -> phone-number: parsing, transforming -> triangle: enumerations, integers

allergies (core): bitwise_operations, filtering -> secret-handshake: arrays, bitwise_operations -> perfect-numbers: integers, math -> queen-attack: classes

robot-simulator (core): classes, enumerations -> kindergarten-garden: enumerations, parsing -> clock: classes, structural_equality -> robot-name: classes, randomness, strings -> grade-school: lists, sorting

beer-song (core): string building -> proverb: string building -> house: string building -> twelve-days: string building -> food-chain: string building

Difficulty: medium

grep (core): files, searching, strings -> anagram: filtering, strings -> series: arrays, strings, transforming -> isbn-verifier: conditionals, loops, pattern_matching, strings -> markdown: parsing, refactoring, transforming

yacht (core): games, parsing, sorting -> poker: games, parsing, sorting -> bowling: algorithms, control_flow_loops -> dominoes: arrays, tuples -> tournament: parsing, strings

simple-linked-list (core): classes, lists -> linked-list: classes, lists -> circular-buffer: classes, queues -> custom-set: sets -> sublist: lists -> binary-search-tree: overloading, searching, trees -> tree-building: refactoring, trees

meetup (core): dates -> bank-account: classes, concurrency -> saddle-points: arrays, matrices, tuples -> complex-numbers: math, tuples -> rational-numbers: math -> prime-factors: integers, math

roman-numerals (core): control_flow_loops, transforming -> wordy: parsing, strings, transforming -> say: strings, transforming -> acronym: strings, transforming -> largest-series-product: integers, math, strings, transforming -> ledger: globalization, refactoring, strings -> pig-latin: strings, transforming

spiral-matrix (core): algorithms, matrices -> scale-generator: algorithms, parsing -> bracket-push: parsing, strings -> ocr-numbers: parsing, pattern_recognition -> matrix: matrices, parsing -> minesweeper: parsing, transforming

rotational-cipher (core): algorithms, strings, transforming -> simple-cipher: algorithms, strings, transforming -> atbash-cipher: algorithms, strings, transforming -> crypto-square: algorithms, strings, transforming -> rail-fence-cipher: algorithms, strings, transforming

run-length-encoding (core): algorithms, transforming -> nth-prime: math -> diffie-hellman: algorithms, integers, math, transforming -> luhn: algorithms, strings, transforming -> parallel-letter-frequency: dictionaries, parallellism, transforming -> pythagorean-triplet: integers, math, overloading -> transpose: strings, transforming

book-store (core): recursion -> all-your-base: integers, math, transforming -> list-ops: lists, recursion -> flatten-array: lists, recursion -> pascals-triangle: arrays, control_flow_loops, math -> dot-dsl: classes, domain_specific_languages, equality

Difficulty: hard

diamond (core): algorithms, strings -> sgf-parsing: parsing, strings -> connect: algorithms, strings -> go-counting: algorithms, strings -> rectangles: parsing, transforming -> word-search: searching, tuples

zebra-puzzle (core): logic, laziness -> two-bucket: logic -> hangman: reactive programming -> react: events

forth (core): stacks -> alphametics: algorithms -> change: arrays, integers

zipper (core): trees -> pov: trees

The core progression path would become:

  1. two-fer: optional_values, strings
  2. space-age: floating point numbers
  3. hamming: filtering, strings
  4. nucleotide-count: dictionaries, strings
  5. bob: control_flow_if_else_statements, strings
  6. allergies: bitwise_operations, filtering
  7. robot-simulator: classes, enumerations
  8. beer-song: string building
  9. grep: files, searching, strings
  10. yacht: games, parsing, sorting
  11. simple-linked-list: classes, lists
  12. meetup: dates
  13. roman-numerals: control_flow_loops, transforming
  14. spiral-matrix: algorithms, matrices
  15. rotational-cipher: algorithms, strings, transforming
  16. run-length-encoding: algorithms, transforming
  17. book-store: recursion
  18. diamond: algorithms, strings
  19. zebra-puzzle: logic, laziness
  20. forth: stacks
  21. zipper: trees

Here is my rationale for this progression:

ErikSchierboom commented 6 years ago

@robkeim @pdmoore @jpreese The comment above contains my suggestion for an updated core exercise path. Any thoughts?

ErikSchierboom commented 5 years ago

@robkeim @jpreese Could you perhaps chime in with your thoughts on this thread: https://exercism-team.slack.com/messages/CASDGG84B/convo/CASDGG84B-1543225722.030400/

robkeim commented 5 years ago

@ErikSchierboom how do we get an access to that slack workspace?

ErikSchierboom commented 5 years ago

Hmmm, you're not an exercism mentor, are you? My bad. I'll just post the question here then:

I'm currently doing some thinking on how to better structure the C# track (which exercises are core, which order, etc.). One of the problem I have is determining what are the key, basic types one has to learn in the first few exercises. Currently I have string, int, bool and datetime. I was wondering if some collection type should also be introduced as a basic type, as collections are very important. To me, the most obvious choice would be an array. However, there are not many array-based exercises at the moment. One array exercise that is fairly simple, is high-scores. However, the most simple implementation would require one to use LINQ, which in itself is actually a bit more advanced concept as it builds on extension methods. Do you think we could get away with introducing high-scores as a basic exercise and point people to LINQ very soon in the track (they wouldn't have to understand how it works, just be able to use it), or would that be too complicated?

There was one response so far:

I've only done a handful of exercises, so take this with a grain of salt, but here are my initial thoughts:

  1. Sum of Multiples (the fourth exercise in the track) ends up using LINQ pretty heavily. If we're worried about introducing LINQ, then we should move that one back further.
  2. I'm frankly not all that afraid to introduce LINQ early on: it's possible that people won't grasp the nuances of extension methods and delegates, but the syntax and concepts are fairly straightforward: I would say more straightforward than new object construction and for loops. And it's used far more often in real C# code (in my experience) than for loops are.
  3. Arrays are certainly very basic data structures, in the sense that they're closer to the metal, but in real life I think List<>s are more "basic" in the sense of being more commonly used and less likely to surprise you. If we're borrowing from a common set of exercises that assumes arrays are more fundamental than lists, then I'm not opposed to starting with arrays, but I wouldn't necessarily favor arrays as an earlier concept than lists, all else being equal.

To which I responsed:

Thanks for the very detailed response!

  1. The sum-of-multiples exercise won't be a core exercise anymore, as there is a new policy that math-related exercises should not be core exercises.
  2. Good to hear! I hope to hear from more people what their take on this is, but this is very hopeful to me.
  3. I was really struggling with this, as I also initially considered List as the basic type. We can totally determine for ourselves if we prefer List over Array, so there is no pressure there.
robkeim commented 5 years ago

No I didn't join as a mentor when v2 was released.

Here's my $0.02 after having some time to think this over:

I agree that the notion of an enumerable should be introduced as a fundamental "data type" in C#. I don't think it makes a big difference whether we do that via an array or a list. That said, list might be slightly easier to understand since the notion of a list is something everyone is familiar with whereas the notion of an array is used only in mathematics.

I would be hesitant to introduce LINQ and particularly LINQ heavy exercises too early in the track. I think there are a few different "levels" of understanding LINQ:

  1. I use LINQ but don't really understand the syntax
  2. I use LINQ and understand concepts it uses (extension methods, lambda expressions, delegates)
  3. I use LINQ and understand "how" it works (could implement it if asked to)

In my opinion, the jump to even get to the first level is pretty high particularly for someone that doesn't have SQL or functional programming experience. That said, if the "non-LINQ" equivalent solution isn't too complicated then leaving it early in the track shouldn't pose a problem as students can decide themselves whether they want to leverage LINQ or "write it by hand" so to speak.

ErikSchierboom commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the thoughtful feedback! Currently, the most basic list-based exercise is probably high-scores: https://github.com/exercism/problem-specifications/blob/master/exercises/high-scores/canonical-data.json. When this exercise is implemented, users could use the Sum() and Take() and OrderBy() LINQ methods to solve it. Do you think that would be too hard? If so, we might try to come up with a new, basic, list-based exercise.

robkeim commented 5 years ago

I think this exercise should be fine to solve without LINQ... although much more succinct using LINQ :)

Here's an untested proof of concept implementation I through together in 10 minutes only using List from the Collections namespace no other dependencies:

public class HighScores
    private List<int> _scores;

    public HighScores(List<int> scores)
        _scores = new List<int>(scores);

    public IEnumerable<int> Scores()
        return _scores;

    public int Latest()
        return _scores[_scores.Count - 1];

    public int PersonalBest()
        var best = int.MinValue;

        foreach (var score in _scores)
            if (score > best)
                best = score;

        return best;

    public List<int> PersonalTop()
        var scores = new List<int>();

        var result = new List<int>();

        var index = scores.Count - 1;

        while (result.Count < 3 && index >= 0)

        return result;
ErikSchierboom commented 5 years ago

In my opinion, the jump to even get to the first level is pretty high particularly for someone that doesn't have SQL or functional programming experience.

This was also my gut feeling.

Thanks for putting the example non-LINQ solution together. It has helped me see how difficult a non-LINQ implementation would be. Seeing this implementation, I think that this exercise is great to introduce LINQ, but it should probably not be a basic exercise (which means one of the five first exercises).


ErikSchierboom commented 5 years ago

The first stage of the re-ordering has been merged in #740.

ErikSchierboom commented 5 years ago

With #744 merged, I'm gonna close this issue. There will be continuous re-evaluation of the track's ordering, but the major re-ordering is done.