Closed kytrinyx closed 6 years ago
Is Dart supported by one or more large organizations?
Does Dart have an official community manager?
Do you know of specific communities (online or offline) that are enthusiastic about Dart? (Chat communities, forums, meetups, student clubs, etc)
Flutter is a Dart-based framework for mobile app development.
Are there popular conferences for Dart? (If so, what are some examples?)
Are there any organizations who are targeted specifically at getting certain subgroups or demographics interested in Dart? (e.g. kids, teenagers, career changers, people belonging to various groups that are typically underrepresented in tech?)
Are there specific groups or programs dedicated to mentoring people in Dart?
Are there popular newsletters for Dart?
Is Dart taught at programming bootcamps? (If so, what are some examples?)
Is Dart taught at universities? (If so, what are some examples?)
In other words: where do people care a lot and/or know a lot about Dart?
This is fantastic, thank you!
I've got what I need for now; closing this out. (Should you come across any other good sources, feel free to add them here, I'll be coming back to this). ❤️ 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 Thanks!
Oh, fabulous! also regularly posts a calling for any projects in need of contributors
As we move towards the launch of the new version of Exercism we are going to be ramping up on actively recruiting people to help provide feedback.
Our goal is to get to 100%: everyone who submits a solution and wants feedback should get feedback. Good feedback. You can read more about this aspect of the new site here:
To do this, we're going to need a lot more information about where we can find language enthusiasts.
In other words: where do people care a lot and/or know a lot about Dart?
This is part of the project being tracked in