exercism / development-environment

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Issue when running ./bin/start #95

Closed pertrai1 closed 2 years ago

pertrai1 commented 2 years ago

I am trying to install and get the environment up and running but I run into this issue:

pertrai1@LAPTOP-M80I4EGU  ~/repos/development-environment   main  ./bin/start
  /--            --\
 ||                ||
 ||   ___    ___   ||
 ||  /   \  /   \  ||
<<                  >>
 ||     |    |     ||
 ||      \__/      ||
 ||                ||
  \--            --/

The following gems are missing
 * activesupport (
 * zeitwerk (2.4.2)
 * rubocop (1.15.0)
 * rubocop-minitest (0.12.1)
 * rubocop-performance (1.11.3)
 * exercism-config (0.81.0)
 * concurrent-ruby (1.1.8)
 * i18n (1.8.10)
 * minitest (5.14.4)
 * tzinfo (2.0.4)
 * parallel (1.20.1)
 * parser (
 * rainbow (3.0.0)
 * regexp_parser (2.1.1)
 * rexml (3.2.5)
 * rubocop-ast (1.5.0)
 * ruby-progressbar (1.11.0)
 * unicode-display_width (2.0.0)
 * aws-sdk-dynamodb (1.70.0)
 * aws-sdk-secretsmanager (1.55.0)
 * mandate (1.0.0)
 * ast (2.4.2)
 * aws-sdk-core (3.125.1)
 * aws-sigv4 (1.4.0)
 * aws-eventstream (1.2.0)
 * aws-partitions (1.545.0)
 * jmespath (1.4.0)
Install missing gems with `bundle install`
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.........
Your bundle is locked to exercism-config (0.81.0) from rubygems repository https://rubygems.org/ or installed locally,
but that version can no longer be found in that source. That means the author of exercism-config (0.81.0) has removed
it. You'll need to update your bundle to a version other than exercism-config (0.81.0) that hasn't been removed in order
to install.

I am running in WSL.

Thank you for your help.

kotp commented 2 years ago

It is helpful to us to know what you have tried.

For example, "I have read the error message, and noticed that it says that I will need to update my bundle to a version other than exercism-config, but I have done that, without error. It is still reporting this issue.. Does anyone know why it might be suggesting something that I have already done. I am running Ruby version X, with Rails version Y."

Or whatever it is that you have tried. Without knowing that, then we might be at a loss as to what your current status is.

pertrai1 commented 2 years ago

@kotp thanks for helping out. I don't have prior experience with ruby or bundler so I did not know anything more to do.

Once I saw that error message about exercism-config (0.81.0) being removed, I came here to look and see if I could find others who ran into the problem.

pertrai1 commented 2 years ago

Here is some more feedback that is particular to what I played around with. Feedback is appreciated.

I noticed that in the ruby gems that for 0.81.0 shows ruby version required to be >=3.0.3. (https://rubygems.org/gems/exercism-config/versions/0.81.0)

I installed 3.1.0 - rbenv install 3.1.0

I could not change the global version of ruby because of the .ruby-version locking it down to 2.6.6. So I removed this file and then I was able to set the global. With the version still being set at 2.6.6 I would continue to get the error:

$ ./bin/start

Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.........
Your bundle is locked to exercism-config (0.81.0) from rubygems repository https://rubygems.org/ or installed locally,
but that version can no longer be found in that source. That means the author of exercism-config (0.81.0) has removed
it. You'll need to update your bundle to a version other than exercism-config (0.81.0) that hasn't been removed in order
to install.

Once I was able to change the ruby version, I tried the same steps:

$ ./bin/start

Calling `DidYouMean::SPELL_CHECKERS.merge!(error_name => spell_checker)' has been deprecated. Please call `DidYouMean.correct_error(error_name, spell_checker)' instead.
The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied
Calling `DidYouMean::SPELL_CHECKERS.merge!(error_name => spell_checker)' has been deprecated. Please call `DidYouMean.correct_error(error_name, spell_checker)' instead.
Writing new docker-compose.yml with 12 services.
opensearch-dashboards Pulling
portainer Pulling
setup Pulling
mysql Pulling
tooling-invoker Pulling
website Pulling
aws Pulling
tooling-orchestrator Pulling
opensearch Pulling
redis Pulling
ruby-test-runner Pulling
adminer Pulling
532819f3e44c Pulling fs layer
..... <---- bunch of pulling
d33f12847574 Pull complete
opensearch-dashboards Pulled
Network development-environment_default  Creating
Network development-environment_default  Created
Container development-environment-aws-1  Creating
Container development-environment-opensearch-1  Creating
Container development-environment-ruby-test-runner-1  Creating
Container development-environment-redis-1  Creating
Container development-environment-portainer-1  Creating
Container development-environment-mysql-1  Creating
Container development-environment-aws-1  Created
Container development-environment-setup-1  Creating
Container development-environment-redis-1  Created
Container development-environment-opensearch-1  Created
Container development-environment-opensearch-dashboards-1  Creating
Container development-environment-ruby-test-runner-1  Created
Container development-environment-mysql-1  Created
Container development-environment-adminer-1  Creating
Container development-environment-portainer-1  Created
Container development-environment-setup-1  Created
Container development-environment-tooling-orchestrator-1  Creating
Container development-environment-website-1  Creating
Container development-environment-opensearch-dashboards-1  Created
Container development-environment-adminer-1  Created
Container development-environment-tooling-orchestrator-1  Created
Container development-environment-tooling-invoker-1  Creating
Container development-environment-tooling-invoker-1  Created
Container development-environment-website-1  Created
Container development-environment-aws-1  Recreate
Container development-environment-aws-1  Recreated
Container development-environment-setup-1  Recreate
Container development-environment-setup-1  Recreated
Container development-environment-aws-1  Starting
Container development-environment-aws-1  Started
Container development-environment-setup-1  Starting
Container development-environment-setup-1  Started
Waiting for pre-stack to boot [*****]

Starting stack with website running at http://localhost:3020...

Container development-environment-aws-1  Running
Container development-environment-opensearch-1  Recreate
Container development-environment-redis-1  Recreate
Container development-environment-ruby-test-runner-1  Recreate
Container development-environment-mysql-1  Recreate
Container development-environment-setup-1  Running
Container development-environment-tooling-orchestrator-1  Recreate
Container development-environment-portainer-1  Recreate
Container development-environment-ruby-test-runner-1  Recreated
Container development-environment-mysql-1  Recreated
Container development-environment-adminer-1  Recreate
Container development-environment-portainer-1  Recreated
Container development-environment-opensearch-1  Recreated
Container development-environment-opensearch-dashboards-1  Recreate
Container development-environment-tooling-orchestrator-1  Recreated
Container development-environment-tooling-invoker-1  Recreate
Container development-environment-redis-1  Recreated
Container development-environment-website-1  Recreate
Container development-environment-adminer-1  Recreated
Container development-environment-opensearch-dashboards-1  Recreated
Container development-environment-tooling-invoker-1  Recreated
Container development-environment-website-1  Recreated
Container development-environment-portainer-1  Starting
Container development-environment-redis-1  Starting
Container development-environment-opensearch-1  Starting
Container development-environment-mysql-1  Starting
Container development-environment-ruby-test-runner-1  Starting
Container development-environment-tooling-orchestrator-1  Starting
Container development-environment-ruby-test-runner-1  Started
Container development-environment-opensearch-1  Started
Container development-environment-mysql-1  Started
Container development-environment-redis-1  Started
Container development-environment-opensearch-dashboards-1  Starting
Container development-environment-portainer-1  Started
Container development-environment-adminer-1  Starting
Container development-environment-website-1  Starting
Container development-environment-tooling-orchestrator-1  Started
Container development-environment-tooling-invoker-1  Starting
Container development-environment-opensearch-dashboards-1  Started
Container development-environment-adminer-1  Started
Container development-environment-website-1  Started
Container development-environment-tooling-invoker-1  Started

Waiting for everything to spool up ...............................................................
Website running at http://localhost:3020/

At this point I have ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished that I don't think relates to the development-environment setup.

I am going to continue to play around and see if the website repo has instructions that will help me more to get the app up and running.

Thank you.

kotp commented 2 years ago

@ErikSchierboom knows of this gem, and so I am pinging him here.

ErikSchierboom commented 2 years ago

@pertrai1 We're working on a Ruby 3.1 branch, which will work in conjunction with us upgrading the website to Ruby 3.1 (and Rails 7): https://github.com/exercism/website/pull/2290

pertrai1 commented 2 years ago

Awesome. Thank you @ErikSchierboom

luanrjjj commented 2 years ago

@pertrai1 i catch the same error,