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Syntax highlighting for tracks #186

Closed iHiD closed 7 years ago

iHiD commented 7 years ago

Hi @exercism/track-maintainers

I'm trying to work out syntax highlighting for the solution viewing page on Nextercism. I'm doing this in two ways: 1) Each track has a default language that all files are rendered in (e.g. any files on the Ruby track will be highlighted as Ruby by default) 2) Having a mapping of filetypes to languages (e.g. if someone submits a markdown file as part of their solution, we understand to parse this as markdown, not Ruby)

All of the mapping for (1) is done. However, I am only just getting started on (2) and I need to crowd-source it to people that know languages.

Could you please post below any files extensions that occur on your tracks, and the correct mapping. e.g.

The following are the languages that the syntax highlighter currently supports (ie, the RHS of the = in your comments).

Thank you all 💙

iHiD commented 7 years ago

Move to meta. Sorry.