exercism / elixir-analyzer

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`need-for-speed` exercise analyzer gives suggestion contradictory to exercise instructions #390

Closed nmingazov closed 11 months ago

nmingazov commented 11 months ago

So, part 4 of the exercise asks for following:

The functions default_color/0, red/0, cyan/0, and green/0 all come from the module IO.ANSI. You're planning to add support for other car colors, so you want to import the whole module. Unfortunately, the function color/1 from the module IO.ANSI conflicts with one of your local functions. Import the whole IO.ANSI module except that one function.

After adding import IO.ANSI, except: [color: 1] and submitting, I receive the following comment from the analyzer:

When importing functions from a module, it is good practice to import an explicit list, using the :only option

Isn't that contradictory to the original exercise here? I'd be glad to be wrong :)

dabaer commented 11 months ago

Do you have another import call that could be getting flagged?

nmingazov commented 11 months ago

I have only one with except. Overall, my whole solution looks like this:

  # Add missing aliases and imports here.
  alias NeedForSpeed.Race
  alias NeedForSpeed.RemoteControlCar, as: Car
  import IO
  import IO.ANSI, except: [color: 1]
  # Do not edit the code below.


dabaer commented 11 months ago

You are also importing the entire IO module right above IO.ANSI

nmingazov commented 11 months ago

Excellent catch, changing to import IO, only: [puts: 1] solved the issue :) Thanks!