exercism / elixir-analyzer

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Newsletter in Elixir track has incorrect automated feedback #398

Closed octowombat closed 9 months ago

octowombat commented 9 months ago

In submitting to the Elixir track my solution to the Newsletter exercise, I received the following automated feedback. I don't understand why it marks as Essential a code suggestion that my submitted code already has.

Screenshot 2023-10-12 at 08 12 55
jiegillet commented 9 months ago

Hello @octowombat, thanks for opening the issue. Yup, it looks like a bug, I think the analyzer did not expect the when is_binary(path), it should be fixable.

On an unrelated note, @angelikatyborska do the comments not get their headers removed anymore? The #open_log uses options :write should not be there.

octowombat commented 9 months ago

Thanks @jiegillet for the fast response. Should I wait or attempt a fix myself?

jiegillet commented 9 months ago

You are very welcome to try it yourself! The main file to change is here, the simple fix would be to add more variants like

    form do
      def open_log(_ignore) when _ignore do
        _block_includes do
          File.open(_ignore, [:write])

We would also need new tests in here.

I'll assign the issue to you, let me know if you need more guidance :)

octowombat commented 9 months ago

@jiegillet Thanks!

octowombat commented 9 months ago


When running the test suite locally with mix test --include external I have got 6 failing tests not related to this issue. I have made sure I have everything setup I think (submodule updated). The 6 failing tests are all in test/elixir_analyzer_test.exs.

An example is as follows:

1) test ElixirAnalyzer for concept exercise failing solution that uses deprecated modules (ElixirAnalyzerTest)
     Assertion with == failed
     code:  assert Submission.to_json(analyzed_exercise) == expected_output
     left:  "{\"comments\":[{\"type\":\"actionable\",\"comment\":\"elixir.solution.compiler_warnings\",\"params\":{\"warnings\":\"warning: HashDict.new/0 is deprecated. Use maps and the Map module instead\\n  lib/lasagna.ex:7\\n\\nwarning: HashSet.member?/2 is deprecated. Use the MapSet module instead\\n  lib/lasagna.ex:12\\n\\nwarning: HashSet.new/0 is deprecated. Use the MapSet module instead\\n  lib/lasagna.ex:12\\n\\nwarning: Behaviour.defcallback/1 is deprecated. Use the @callback module attribute instead\\n  lib/lasagna.ex:4\\n\\n\"}},{\"type\":\"informative\",\"comment\":\"elixir.general.feedback_request\"}],\"summary\":\"Check the comments for some suggestions. 📣\"}"
     right: "{\"comments\":[{\"type\":\"actionable\",\"params\":{\"warnings\":\"warning: HashDict.new/0 is deprecated. Use maps and the Map module instead\\n  lib/lasagna.ex:7\\n\\nwarning: HashSet.member?/2 is deprecated. Use the MapSet module instead\\n  lib/lasagna.ex:12\\n\\nwarning: HashSet.new/0 is deprecated. Use the MapSet module instead\\n  lib/lasagna.ex:12\\n\\nwarning: Behaviour.defcallback/1 is deprecated. Use the @callback module attribute instead\\n  lib/lasagna.ex:4\\n\\n\"},\"comment\":\"elixir.solution.compiler_warnings\"},{\"type\":\"informative\",\"comment\":\"elixir.general.feedback_request\"}],\"summary\":\"Check the comments for some suggestions. 📣\"}"
       test/elixir_analyzer_test.exs:152: (test)

This seems to imply that in this test that the JSON is not in the expected order when encoded as a string.

Do you have any idea why this is? Has a dependency been updated? Maybe it feels like a Map key ordering issue, I'll have a dig into the code too and take a look.

octowombat commented 9 months ago

Apart from the above query, I have the tests and fix ready to push as a PR.

octowombat commented 9 months ago

Some more details on the test failure: Looking into failing test

     Assertion with == failed
     code:  assert Submission.to_json(analyzed_exercise) == String.trim(expected_output)
     left:  "{\"comments\":[{\"type\":\"essential\",\"comment\":\"elixir.general.file_not_found\",\"params\":{\"file_name\":\"two_fer.ex\",\"path\":\"test_data/two_fer/missing_file_solution/\"}}],\"summary\":\"Check the comments for things to fix. 🛠\"}"
     right: "{\"comments\":[{\"type\":\"essential\",\"params\":{\"file_name\":\"two_fer.ex\",\"path\":\"test_data/two_fer/missing_file_solution/\"},\"comment\":\"elixir.general.file_not_found\"}],\"summary\":\"Check the comments for things to fix. 🛠\"}"
       (ex_unit 1.15.2) lib/ex_unit/capture_log.ex:113: ExUnit.CaptureLog.with_log/2
       (ex_unit 1.15.2) lib/ex_unit/capture_log.ex:75: ExUnit.CaptureLog.capture_log/2
       test/elixir_analyzer_test.exs:67: (test)

and grabbing the single comment in the list from the implementation, thus;

comment = %{
  type: :essential,
  comment: "elixir.general.file_not_found",
  params: %{
    "file_name" => "two_fer.ex",
    "path" => "test_data/two_fer/missing_file_solution/"

Then encoding that comment to JSON gives;

iex(2)> Jason.encode!(comment)

which shows the field comment as the second encoded field in the object/map but the expected encoding in the test has this field further on in the object/map.

angelikatyborska commented 9 months ago

On an unrelated note, @angelikatyborska do the comments not get their headers removed anymore? The #open_log uses options :write should not be there.

Markdown syntax error. The comment needs to have a space after #.

jiegillet commented 9 months ago

Mmh, it smells of this change in OTP26, the order of the maps is not guaranteed. It's definitely not related to this issue, I'll see if I can fix it.

octowombat commented 9 months ago

I will hold off pushing the PR then until this is fixed and then I know all tests are passing.

jiegillet commented 9 months ago

I opened a PR #399

jiegillet commented 9 months ago

@octowombat you should be able to resume now.

octowombat commented 9 months ago

@jiegillet I have pulled in the update from the upstream repo but I am still getting 2 failures for the elixir_analyzer_tests.exs tests on line 26 and 160. I will investigate further as it is the same kind of error, i.e. a mismatch of the list of comments.

octowombat commented 9 months ago

The test on line 26 is strange since the expected list of comments has 11 elements whereas the resultant list within the analyzed_exercise Submission struct returned to the test has only 9 elements.

When I checkout at commit 7bb938aabaf9d8efe8aa94313f1a2a9383c5235e the resultant list has 11 elements but in that case the test fails on the sort ordering mismatch!

jiegillet commented 9 months ago

I commented on the PR :)

octowombat commented 9 months ago

Thanks, I reverted the deletion with a comment and also commented upon the question about the other variants.