exercism / euphoria

Exercism exercises in Euphoria.
MIT License
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unit tests: order of arguments #52

Closed glennj closed 4 months ago

glennj commented 5 months ago

I see in std/unittest.e:

public procedure test_equal(sequence name, object expected, object outcome)

But many of the tests have outcome before expected.

That will lead to confusing test error messages. For example, in the raindrops exercise, if the number is not divisible by 3 or 5 or 7, I return the incorrect value "foo", and the test results say:

  failed: 2 to the power 3 does not make a raindrop sound as 3 is the exponent not the base, expected: "foo" but got: "8"

This will be a large effort to fix. I can help if you want to divide the labour.

axtens commented 5 months ago

There are 20 tasks. If you're happy to take the top 10....

petelomax commented 5 months ago

Added test_aquel() shim to flip the args, PR created for this, merged and closed.

axtens commented 4 months ago

All fixed https://github.com/exercism/euphoria/pull/76