exercism / gleam

Exercism exercises in Gleam.
MIT License
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`expert-experiments`: Compiler warning due to transitive dependency being imported in tests #453

Open sanderploegsma opened 3 months ago

sanderploegsma commented 3 months ago

Running gleam test on the expert-experiments concept exercise yields the following warning:

$ gleam test
  Compiling argv
  Compiling gleam_stdlib
  Compiling gleam_community_colour
  Compiling gleam_community_ansi
  Compiling gap
  Compiling glexer
  Compiling glance
  Compiling gleam_erlang
  Compiling thoas
===> Analyzing applications...
===> Compiling thoas
  Compiling gleam_json
  Compiling simplifile
  Compiling exercism_test_runner
  Compiling gleam_bitwise
  Compiling gleam_otp
  Compiling expert_experiments

warning: Transitive dependency imported
  ┌─ /Users/sander/Dev/exercism/workspace/gleam/expert-experiments/test/expert_experiments_test.gleam:4:1
4 │ import gleam/erlang/process
  │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The module `gleam/erlang/process` is being imported, but `gleam_erlang`,
the package it belongs to, is not a direct dependency of your package.
In a future version of Gleam this may become a compile error.

Run this command to add it to your dependencies:

    gleam add gleam_erlang

   Compiled in 3.69s

I haven't seen this warning in any other exercises, so I'm assuming that it's not supposed to be there.. 🙈

Gleam version I'm using:

$ gleam --version
gleam 1.0.0
lpil commented 3 months ago

Thank you