exercism / go

Exercism exercises in Go.
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Identify logical exercise groupings #830

Closed robphoenix closed 7 years ago

robphoenix commented 7 years ago

See #825

robphoenix commented 7 years ago

twelve-days food-chain house beer-song

robphoenix commented 7 years ago

pangram isogram anagram acronym

tleen commented 7 years ago

accumulate strain

Both functional programming exercises.

tleen commented 7 years ago

raindrops bob

Centrally both behave the same way, a big switch on input.

robphoenix commented 7 years ago


grains allergies secret-handshake variable-length-quantity

tleen commented 7 years ago

scrabble-score etl

Scrabble based, both deal with mapping runes <-> numbers, Map focused.

tleen commented 7 years ago

Take an ASCII-art style representation of data and identify what it encodes:

kindergarten-garten ocr-numbers

Inversely, take data in one representation and output it in ASCII-art style.

diamond tournament

tleen commented 7 years ago

Create output 'shape' based on input value.

pascals-triangle diamond

tleen commented 7 years ago

Matrix manipulation/search usually as multi-dimensional arrays.

matrix word-search crypto-square queen-attack saddle-points transpose minesweeper

tleen commented 7 years ago

String manipulation/search based around the concept of DNA.

hamming rna-transcription nucleotide-count protein-translation

tleen commented 7 years ago

Refactoring existing code.

ledger tree-building

shaleh commented 7 years ago


prime-factors nth-prime

robphoenix commented 7 years ago

closed by #835