exercism / haskell

Exercism exercises in Haskell.
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Cabal file info not found / HttpExceptionRequest in exercises diamond and parallel-letter-frequency when running tests after submission #1006

Closed EspenBerget closed 2 years ago

EspenBerget commented 2 years ago

The test passed on my machine, but when I submitted the code I got an error message:

Tests failed

Cabal file info not found for string-conversions-,1617, updating
Selected mirror https://hackage.haskell.org/
Downloading root
HttpExceptionRequest Request {
  host                 = "hackage.haskell.org"
  port                 = 443
  secure               = True
  requestHeaders       = [("Accept-Encoding",""),("User-Agent","Haskell pantry package")]
  path                 = "/root.json"
  queryString          = ""
  method               = "GET"
  proxy                = Nothing
  rawBody              = False
  redirectCount        = 10
  responseTimeout      = ResponseTimeoutDefault
  requestVersion       = HTTP/1.1
 (ConnectionFailure Network.Socket.getAddrInfo (called with preferred socket type/protocol: AddrInfo {addrFlags = [AI_ADDRCONFIG], addrFamily = AF_UNSPEC, addrSocketType = Stream, addrProtocol = 0, addrAddress = <assumed to be undefined>, addrCanonName = <assumed to be undefined>}, host name: Just "hackage.haskell.org", service name: Just "443"): does not exist (Try again))

I search a bit and found this, which could be the same issue.

petertseng commented 2 years ago

Oh. It's probably because the test runner for security reasons is forbidden from having internet access. So something will have to change in https://github.com/exercism/haskell-test-runner, similar to how the Rust track had to do https://github.com/exercism/rust-test-runner/pull/27 for theirs.

degustaf commented 2 years ago

I just ran into the same issue. Should an issue be logged for the haskell-test-runner?

guygastineau commented 2 years ago

I had a similar issue. I also encountered an issue with Robot Name when I couldn't use unordered-containers for HashSet. I replaced it with Data.Set.Set from containers, and it passed the test-runner; so I assumed there would be some sort of whitelist.

petertseng commented 2 years ago

If I had to hazard a guess (but I have not tested this guess), I would guess that the test runner can currently use any packages that come with GHC, which would be those listed in https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/9.0.1/docs/html/libraries/index.html (or whatever version the test runner is using), which explains that containers can be used, but not unordered-containers, nor parallel, nor string-conversions.

petertseng commented 2 years ago

I notice that as of this writing there is no https://github.com/orgs/exercism/teams/haskell-test-runner (only organisational members can see that page, but as an organisational member I can confirm that it still does not exist). As of this writing there is only one person in https://github.com/exercism/haskell-test-runner/watchers and this person doesn't obviously seem to be in a ready position to solve this problem. So I don't suppose filing an issue in haskell-test-runner is likely to generate more solutions.

petertseng commented 2 years ago

A potential solution may make use of the extra-deps configuration option documented at https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/yaml_configuration/#extra-deps. Using the similar strategy as https://github.com/exercism/rust-test-runner/pull/27, this solution would:

Those rough solution steps may need adjustments based on how Stack and Haskell packages work. I have no particular knowledge that would give me an advantage in either, so the steps may be wrong in some details, but the overall thrust of it seems to be in the right direction.

There may also be some value in seeing whether https://github.com/ndmitchell/offline-stack and/or https://github.com/AleXoundOS/haskell-stack-mirror-script are suited to this case, but I have not put in the time to examine them and verify whether they are.

ErikSchierboom commented 2 years ago

@petertseng Those sounds like very sensible steps. @iHiD could you send me a list of Haskell solutions? I'll extract the packages that are used from those.

ErikSchierboom commented 2 years ago

Thanks to @iHiD, I've been able to analyze all the Haskell solutions. As generally speaking people only submit the actual .hs file and not the package.yaml file, I had to look at the solution code. What I've done is look trying to find any import statements and then counting them. This leads to the following list:

Package Occurences
Data.Char 26844
Data.List 19726
Data.Map 8466
Data.Maybe 5277
Data.Text 3559
Control.Monad 2846
Data.Set 2586
Data.Map.Strict 2468
Prelude 2398
Data.List.Split 2392
Control.Applicative 1223
Data.Bits 1144
Data.Time.Calendar 1093
Text.Printf 977
Data.Array 853
Data.Vector 847
Data.Foldable 816
Control.Arrow 762
Data.Function 762
System.Random 749
Data.IORef 566
Data.Time.Clock 456
Text.Read 417
Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate 361
Data.Either 347
Data.Tuple 324
Test.QuickCheck 315
Debug.Trace 282
Test.Hspec 270
Test.Hspec.Runner 251
Data.Bool 243
Control.Lens 237
Data.Monoid 220
Data.Ord 219
Control.Monad.State 198
Text.Parsec 196
Data.String 192
Control.Concurrent.STM 191
Data.Tree 189
Data.MultiSet 180
Data.Functor 158
Safe 154
Control.Concurrent.MVar 145
Control.Parallel.Strategies 142
Data.Ix 133
Control.Concurrent 130
Data.Bifunctor 129
Data.IntMap 126
Data.IntMap.Strict 124
Data.List.Extra 120
Data.Sequence 113
Data.Attoparsec.Text 112
Data.Map.Lazy 108
Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP 104
Text.Regex.Posix 100
Data.Traversable 99
Data.Time 97
Data.String.Utils 95
Numeric 85
Data.Numbers.Primes 75
Text.Parsec.String 74
Data.List.Ordered 73
Control.DeepSeq 70
Data.Matrix 68
Text.Regex 67
Text.Megaparsec 64
Data.Digits 64
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec 61
Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate 57
Text.Regex.PCRE 57
Text.Megaparsec.Char 56
Data.Array.Unboxed 52
Data.HashSet 48
Prelude.Unicode 47
Data.HashMap.Strict 46
Control.Exception 44
Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer 44
Data.Either.Combinators 44
GHC.Unicode 43
Text.Parsec.Char 43
GHC.Exts 42
Data.Void 41
Data.Word 40
Data.Time.Calendar.MonthDay 38
Data.Time.Format 38
Data.IntSet 36
Text.Regex.TDFA 35
System.IO.Unsafe 35
Control.Monad.ST 35
Data.Time.Lens 34
Data.Composition 33
Control.Monad.State.Strict 33
Data.List.Index 33
Pangram 32
Safe.Exact 31
Control.Monad.Except 31
System.Locale 31
Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar 31
Criterion.Main 29
Data.Array.ST 29
Control.Monad.Writer 29
Data.List.NonEmpty 28
LeapYear 27
Control.Monad.STM 27
HelloWorld 27
Prelude.Unicode.SR 26
Text.Parsec.Text 26
Data.Semigroup 26
Data.Text.Read 26
Data.Strings 25
Data.Sort 25
Test.HUnit 24
Data.Functor.Identity 24
Data.ByteString.Char8 23
Data.List.Utils 23
Text.Parsec.Combinator 23
Flow 22
Data.List.Unique 22
Data.Text.Lazy 22
Control.Monad.State.Lazy 22
Data.Tuple.Extra 22
CorePrelude 22
Control.Monad.Loops 21
Control.Monad.Trans 21
Data.SortedList 20
Data.Array.IArray 20
Data.Vector.Unboxed 20
Control.Parallel 19
Parser 19
Data.Int 18
DNA 18
SpaceAge 17
Control.Monad.Reader 17
Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar 17
Data.Time.Clock.POSIX 17
Data.Coerce 17
Criterion 16
Optics 16
Control.Conditional 15
GHC.Arr 15
Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe 15
Text.Parsec.Prim 15
Base 15
Data.Ratio 14
Data.Typeable 14
Control.Category 14
Data.IntMap.Lazy 14
Control.Monad.Random 14
Control.Monad.Combinators 14
Util 13
Control.Monad.Fix 13
Foreign.Marshal.Utils 13
Control.Monad.IO.Class 13
Lens.Micro.Platform 13
Acronym 13
GHC.Float 12
Text.Trifecta 12
Numeric.Natural 12
Control.Monad.Unicode 12
Matrix 12
Text.Parsec.Token 12
System.IO 11
Triangle 11
Data.List.HT 11
Text.Parsec.Language 11
Grains 11
Text.Casing 11
Card 11
System.Exit 10
Protolude 10
Data.Stream.Infinite 10
Data.Function.Pointless 10
Lens.Micro 10
Data.Graph 10
Types 10
Data.Containers.ListUtils 10
Control.Error.Util 9
SumOfMultiples 9
Data.Bool.HT 9
Control.Lens.TH 9
Text.Format 9
Data.Complex 9
Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable 9
Text.Megaparsec.Expr 9
Math.Geometry.Grid 9
Data.Map.Merge.Strict 9
Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr 9
Data.Char; 9
Bob 8
Control.Monad.Trans.State 8
Math.NumberTheory.ArithmeticFunctions 8
Control.Monad.Trans.Class 8
Control.Comonad 8
Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Squares 8
Data.Vector.Mutable 8
Control.Monad.Par 8
GHC.Conc 8
Data.STRef 8
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token 8
CollatzConjecture 8
Test.QuickCheck.Gen 8
Control.Monad.Identity 7
Data.MultiMap 7
School 7
Text.Numeral.Language.ENG 7
Control.Applicative.Unicode 7
Data.Array.Repa 7
Data.Array.MArray 7
Text.Show 7
Data.Attoparsec.Combinator 7
Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 7
Data.Attoparsec.Char8 7
GHC.Base 7
Data.HashMap.Lazy 7
Isogram 7
Data.String.HT 7
Data.Function.Tools 7
Locution 7
Data.String.Conversions 7
Data.Hashable 6
Control.Error 6
Data.Function.Memoize 6
PrimeFactors 6
Control.Monad.Instances 6
Data.Array.IO 6
Data.Dates 6
GHC.TypeLits 6
TokenParser 6
Hamming 6
GHC.OldList 6
Language 6
Diamond 6
Anagram 6
Graph 6
Addition 6
MultiOperator 6
Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Factorisation 5
Data.Align 5
Control.Lens.Tuple 5
Text.Numeral.Grammar 5
Text.Megaparsec.Lexer 5
Genetics.Bases 5
Control.Concatenative 5
Data.Tuple.Select 5
Data.Data 5
Data.Modular 5
GHC.Float.RealFracMethods 5
System.Random.MWC 5
Data.Unique 5
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Char 5
Data.Graph.Inductive 5
Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.DFS 5
Machine 5
Data.DateTime 5
Data.Fixed 5
Data.Bimap 5
Luhn 5
System.Time.Extra 5
Data.Bifoldable 5
Math.NumberTheory.Primes 5
GHC.Generics 5
ResistorColors 5
System.Random.Stateful 5
Hand 5
System.Environment 4
Control.Monad.Cont 4
Control.Monad.Trans.Either 4
Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms 4
Test.QuickCheck.All 4
Data.These 4
Formatting 4
Data.Either.Utils 4
Text.Megaparsec.String 4
Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec 4
Text.Read.Lex 4
Genetics.Aminoacids 4
Data.CaseInsensitive 4
GHC.Prim 4
Data.Proxy 4
"vector" 4
Data.Stack 4
Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Counting 4
WordCount 4
Data.DList 4
ClassyPrelude 4
Data.Text.ICU 4
Data.OrdPSQ 4
Sublist 4
Data.Tuple.Curry 4
Data.Attoparsec 4
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Number 4
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Combinator 4
WordProblem 4
Math.Geometry.GridMap 4
Math.Geometry.GridMap.Lazy 4
Data.List.Grouping 4
Data.Functor.Compose 4
Data.List.Safe 4
Data.Either.Extra 4
Strain 4
Data.Vector.Split 4
Test.QuickCheck.Function 4
Data.MonoTraversable 4
Optics.TH 4
Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Sieve 4
Data.Prefix.Units 4
Expr 4
Control.Lens.Operators 4
GHC.Real 4
Text.Regex.Base 3
Text.Regex.PCRE.Light 3
Text.Regex.Base.RegexLike 3
Data.ByteString 3
Text.Regex.PCRE.Heavy 3
Distribution.Simple.Utils 3
Text.Parsec.Error 3
Language.Haskell.TH 3
Data.Functor.Foldable 3
Foundation 3
Control.Lens.At 3
Control.Lens.Getter 3
Control.Lens.Iso 3
Control.Lens.Setter 3
Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy 3
Data.Default 3
IsbnVerifier 3
NanoParsec 3
Data.HashMap 3
GHC.Types 3
Data.Type.Equality 3
Data.Type.Bool 3
Criterion.Types 3
Frequency 3
Data.Global 3
Control.Monad.Extra 3
Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy 3
Control.Error.Safe 3
Data.Accessor.Basic 3
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Prim 3
Math.Geometry.Grid.HexagonalInternal 3
Math.Geometry.Grid.Square 3
Control.Monad.Trans.Except 3
Data.PQueue.Prio.Min 3
Lens.Micro.TH 3
Control.Lens.Unsound 3
ProteinTranslation 3
Control.Applicative.Alternative 3
Relude 3
Text.RE.TDFA.String 3
GHC.Char 3
Squares 3
CryptoSquare 3
Text.Show.Pretty 3
Language.Haskell.HsColour 3
Language.Haskell.HsColour.Colourise 3
Control.Monad.Zip 3
Data.IntMultiSet 3
Data.Text.Manipulate 3
Control.Lens.Combinators 3
Test.DocTest 3
Data.Text.Lazy.Builder 3
Text.Regex.Applicative 3
Optics.State.Operators 3
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language 3
Control.Monad.Writer.Strict 3
GHC.List 3
Optics.Iso 3
Unsafe.Coerce 3
Control.Applicative.Lift 3
Data.List.Zip 3
Data.List.Predicate 3
Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict 3
Clean 3
Control.Newtype.Generics 3
Data.String.Interpolate 3
Search 3
Text.Regex.Posix.Wrap 2
Data.Validation 2
Test.Framework 2
Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 2
ChessBoard 2
List 2
Data.List.Extras.Pair 2
Control.Exception.Base 2
Control.Monad.Fail 2
DsMonad 2
Data.FileEmbed 2
Control.Monad.Plus 2
Text.InterpolatedString.Perl6 2
Robot 2
Control.Monad.Trans.Reader 2
Genetics.Translation 2
Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro 2
Data.Tuple.Utils 2
Data.Tuple.HT 2
Data.Time.Calendar.Julian 2
EnumQuoter 2
Control.Bool 2
Data.Vector.Lens 2
Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Vector 2
Data.Array.Repa.Index 2
Text.RawString.QQ 2
Data.MemoCombinators 2
Control.Monad.Primitive 2
Language.Words 2
Data.PQueue.Min 2
Sieve 2
Data.Functor.Classes 2
Statistics.Resampling.Bootstrap 2
Data.Universe.Helpers 2
Foreign.Marshal.Unsafe 2
PigLatin 2
Say 2
Data.Text.Unsafe 2
FingerTree 2
Data.Array.Repa.Stencil 2
Data.Array.Repa.Stencil.Dim2 2
Data.Sequence.Unicode 2
Language.Haskell.Codo 2
Data.Attoparsec.Text.Lazy 2
Pipes 2
Math.Geometry.Grid.Hexagonal 2
Control.Eff 2
Control.Eff.State.Strict 2
Control.Eff.Exception 2
Data.Strict.Maybe 2
Data.HashMap.Monoidal 2
System.Random.Shuffle 2
Pangram.Letters 2
Data.Text.Encoding 2
Data.Data.Lens 2
Control.Cond 2
Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 2
Relude.Nub 2
Safe.Foldable 2
Data.Set.Unicode 2
Cards 2
CollatzConjectureRecursive 2
CollatzConjectureHigherOrder 2
Counter 2
MyList 2
Data.Bits.Bitwise 2
Data.Char8 2
Weekday 2
PerfectNumbers 2
Clock 2
Data.Map.Ordered 2
Minesweeper 2
TwelveDays 2
RunLength 2
SecretHandshake 2
Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary 2
LinkedList 2
House 2
Yacht 2
ListOps 2
Parsing 2
Meetup 2
Data.Boolean 2
Data.HList.HList 2
Data.HList.HCurry 2
Data.HList.FakePrelude 2
TextKind 2
Relude.List 2
Text.Numeral 2
Data.Functor.Const 2
Data.BinaryTree.Zipper 2
it?! 2
Data.Map: 2
Control.Carrier.Error.Either 2
Control.Carrier.State.Strict 2
Data.MemoTrie 2
TypedLogicTable 2
GHC.Natural 2
Distribution.Simple 1
System.IO.Error 1
System.Process 1
System.Console.GetOpt 1
Data.Thyme.Calendar 1
Control.Foldl 1
Text.Regex.Posix.ByteString 1
Debug.Hood.Observe 1
Network.CGI.Protocol 1
Data.Number.BigFloat 1
GrainsTH 1
Fastfoldable 1
maybe. 1
Text.Inflections 1
Data.HashTable.ST.Basic 1
Data.HashTable.Class 1
Control.Lens.Empty 1
Control.Monad.Trans.Writer 1
Regex. 1
Prelude.elem 1
GHC.Read 1
Data.Pair 1
Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.Monad 1
Data.Maybe.HT 1
Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy 1
Data. 1
Data.Time.CalendarTime 1
ONeillPrimes 1
Allergies 1
Data.Array.Repa.Slice 1
Data.Vector.Unicode.SR 1
Math.Combinatorics.Binomial 1
Math.Combinatorics.Exact.Binomial 1
Data.Eq 1
Data.MemoCombinators.Class 1
Prime 1
Data.Generics.Aliases 1
Data.Semigroup.Reducer 1
AI.HNN.FF.Network 1
Control.Monad.Trans.List 1
Data.Vector.Storable 1
System.Timeout 1
Control.Monad.Parallel 1
Control.Concurrent.QSem 1
Test.RandomStrings 1
System.CPUTime 1
PalindromeNumbers 1
System.Directory 1
Control.Concurrency 1
Database.SQLite.Simple 1
by 1
docs 1
modules 1
Data.List.Unicode 1
Data.Dequeue 1
System.Mem.Weak 1
Ersatz 1
Ersatz.Relation 1
Pipes.Attoparsec 1
Pipes.Lift 1
Pipes.Prelude 1
Pipes.Text 1
Data.Function.YaMemo 1
Text.Megaparsec.Text 1
Binary 1
Data.Time.Clock.TAI 1
Data.Convertible 1
Data.TIme 1
Hexadecimal 1
ReadShowRadix 1
GHC.Stack 1
Data.Decimal 1
EightDays 1
Test.Hspec.QuickCheck 1
Control.Lens.Each 1
Gauge.Main 1
Control.Newtype 1
Roman 1
Data.Time.Calendar.Week 1
Data.Set; 1
leads 1
Sgf 1
Math.Geometry.Grid.Octagonal 1
Data.List; 1
Scrabble 1
Formatting.Formatters 1
Data.NumberLength 1
this 1
ComplexNumbers 1
Data.Primitive.ByteArray 1
Text.Read.Extra 1
Alternative 1
RIO.List 1
RIO.Char 1
Data.Char-- 1
Student 1
Grade 1
Data.Semiring 1
Data.Sequences 1
Data.Cased 1
House.Internal.VerseBank 1
Data.Graph.AStar 1
Extra.List 1
Text.Parsec.Expr 1
BasicPrelude 1
Lens.Micro.Extras 1
Data.Time.Calendar.Easter 1
Data.Profunctor 1
Data.List.GroupBy 1
Text.Scanf 1
Optics.Cons 1
Date 1
Genetics.Codons 1
Groupings 1
Data.Generics.Product 1
Data.Stream 1
Phone 1
Series 1
Beer 1
Data.Lens.Light 1
Data.Functor.Alt 1
StrainH99 1
StrainWriter 1
StrainPipes 1
Numeric.Extra 1
Data.Bitraversable 1
Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph 1
Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree 1
GHC.Integer 1
System.FilePath 1
If 1
Data.String.ToString 1
RIO.Map 1
RIO.Prelude 1
Data.Set.Ordered 1
NLP.Minimorph.English 1
Control.Lens.Cons 1
GHC.Conc.Sync 1
GHC.Enum 1
Classifier 1
Sentence 1
Data.UUID 1
Data.UUID.V4 1
Data.CharSet 1
Data.CharSet.Common 1
Math.NumberTheory.Roots 1
sData.Either 1
Control.Monad.Catch 1
Data.Char.Properties.Misc 1
Test.LeanCheck.Stats 1
Linear 1
GHC.Num 1
GHC.Show 1
Data.List.Match 1
Data.Map.Internal 1
Data.BinaryTree 1
OrdSet 1
HelperTypes 1
Control.Monad.Error 1
Text.RE.Replace 1
Text.RE.PCRE.String 1
Alphametics 1
Control.Monad.RWS.Strict 1
Cp 1
Nat 1
to 1
Control.Lens.Fold 1
Data.Set.Internal 1
Control.Lens.Traversal 1
Deque 1
Text.Builder 1
Data.Poly 1
TrileanLogicTable 1
Data.Time.Recurrence 1
Data.Text.ICU.Char 1
list. 1
Text.Regex.TDFA.Text 1
GHC.Maybe 1
Data.Kind 1
Math.Combinatorics.Multiset 1
GHC.Stats 1

Hopefully, we can use this to infer which packages to pre-load.

ErikSchierboom commented 2 years ago

@petertseng Of the above list, which packages should we be pre-loading in the test runner? We probably don't want to preload them all; for Rust, we've used the top 100 most used packages.

hraftery commented 2 years ago

FWIW, having completed 58 exercisms I found 3 (that I can recall - I can't search by "Failed") that expected additional libraries.

Beyond that the list is endless. I found the restriction to bundled libraries useful for learning - modifying package.yaml is a lesson in itself. So I would only wish that the expected libraries above also be provided, and a gentle error be reported if you attempt to use more, but I can also see the appeal of trying to cast the net of "just works" a bit wider. Top 100 should satisfy many people, but then people might be coached into thinking any package is supported.

petertseng commented 2 years ago

I do not know of a good way to determine the package that contains a module. For example, Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP is in base, and Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec is in parsec.

If we want to use the top downloaded packages, we are fortunate in that https://hackage.haskell.org/packages/top provides a list.

Of course, a solution can start small.

For example, a first solution might only add:

petertseng commented 2 years ago

Question. How is it that hspec currently works in the test runner? That is certainly not in there by default.

ErikSchierboom commented 2 years ago

@petertseng The Dockerfile does a stack build on a pre-defined bit of code that has a dependency on the hspec library. See https://github.com/exercism/haskell-test-runner/blob/main/Dockerfile#L13-L14 and https://github.com/exercism/haskell-test-runner/blob/main/pre-compiled/package.yaml#L21.

I've created a PR to add the above-mentioned dependencies: https://github.com/exercism/haskell-test-runner/pull/32 Is listing them in the dependencies section of the package.yaml enough, or do the dependencies actually need to be used in the code too?

hraftery commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that my (local) test run of stack build --resolver lts-16.21 --test --no-run-tests with just the dependencies change (no source change) does indeed detect, download and install them.

FWIW, it also works if you put them under the top level dependencies: rather than the one under library:. Doing the former seems more self-explanatory to me, since the library: section is just a placeholder, copied from elsewhere. On the other hand, the intention is to make them available to the library, so it's not an illogical place to put them!

hraftery commented 2 years ago

Keep in mind that when the PR gets merged, the user will still be none-the-wiser if they happen to add a dependency which is not part of this list, resulting in the same error message in the OP.

ErikSchierboom commented 2 years ago

That is correct. This is something the test runner has to support.

ErikSchierboom commented 2 years ago

Fixed by https://github.com/exercism/haskell-test-runner/pull/32

hraftery commented 2 years ago

This is working for me now - previously failing solutions when re-submitted as a new iteration now pass. But I did forget to mention in my earlier comment: it takes a lot longer. Given all packages are installed each time, people will probably notice there's a step change with no obvious cause. In my experience it has gone from about 3 seconds to maybe 10 or more. That's actually pretty good (lens alone can take ages to download and compile) and quite reasonable as a new baseline, but one to be aware of.

ErikSchierboom commented 2 years ago

Given all packages are installed each time, people will probably notice there's a step change with no obvious cause.

Are they? The packages are downloaded and installed at build time, when the Docker container is built. It shouldn't affect the actual run time.

hraftery commented 2 years ago

Ah, my mistake. "build time" is not triggered every time.

petertseng commented 2 years ago

I must have forgotten to recommend the adding of text. We have a lot of exercises that recommend using the text package as an optional add-on, which is why I hadn't thought to look for it. We should add text, to support these following exercises.

$ git grep 'text.*to your list of dependencies' 
exercises/practice/acronym/.docs/instructions.append.md:- Add `- text` to your list of dependencies in package.yaml.
exercises/practice/atbash-cipher/.docs/instructions.append.md:- add `- text` to your list of dependencies in package.yaml.
exercises/practice/bob/.docs/instructions.append.md:- Add `- text` to your list of dependencies in package.yaml.
exercises/practice/diamond/.docs/instructions.append.md:- Add `- text` to your list of dependencies in package.yaml.
exercises/practice/etl/.docs/instructions.append.md:- Add `- text` to your list of dependencies in package.yaml.
exercises/practice/isogram/.docs/instructions.append.md:- Add `- text` to your list of dependencies in package.yaml.
exercises/practice/pig-latin/.docs/instructions.append.md:- Add `- text` to your list of dependencies in package.yaml.
exercises/practice/raindrops/.docs/instructions.append.md:- Add `- text` to your list of dependencies in package.yaml.
exercises/practice/resistor-color-trio/.docs/instructions.append.md:- Add `- text` to your list of dependencies in package.yaml.
exercises/practice/rotational-cipher/.docs/instructions.append.md:- add `- text` to your list of dependencies in package.yaml.
exercises/practice/twelve-days/.docs/instructions.append.md:- add `- text` to your list of dependencies in package.yaml.
adql commented 2 years ago

My (earned with blood!) solution to robot-name is still suffering rejection because of "missing" random. Which is very strange given the fix.

Is it maybe related to me starting the exercise at some time in the summer still on v2, and eventually solving it only today?

hraftery commented 2 years ago

Hmm, I concur. I opened the exercise for the first time and used the online editor. I get:

Could not load module ‘System.Random’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘random-1.1’. Perhaps you need to add ‘random’ to the build-depends in your .cabal file.

Perhaps the fix was only good for uninstalled libraries, not hidden ones.

adql commented 2 years ago

Yes, this is what I get as well. Then probably nothing to do with having downloaded it before.

In fact, this is similar what I got when submitting bob with Data.Text:

Could not load module ‘Data.Text’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘text-’. Perhaps you need to add ‘text’ to the build-depends in your .cabal file.

Which seems different from the original bug that started this issue. Interestingly, text wasn't added to pre-compiled/package.yaml in https://github.com/exercism/haskell-test-runner/pull/32. Perhaps a new bug affecting packages regardless if they were preloaded or not?

iHiD commented 2 years ago

(cc @ErikSchierboom - Could you look into this one pls)

ErikSchierboom commented 2 years ago

@adql I think might indeed be a new bug. I've tried adding it to the pre-compiled/package.yaml file. I don't know how to fix this though. Any thoughts?

adql commented 2 years ago

@ErikSchierboom Not much of a clue, I'm not familiar with the machinery at the backend. Anyway, when I try the haskell-test-runner locally both bob and robot-name pass.

How much of the exercise directory is actually uploaded to the server when running exercism submit? Is it only the solution file or also others such as stack.yaml or <exercise>.cabal? I've noticed that the test runner is still set to --resolver lts-16.21, could it be related? (if only the solution source file is uploaded, then probably not).

ErikSchierboom commented 2 years ago

All files that are present in the exercise's directory in the track repo are checked out, with the user-submitted files overwriting any files.

petertseng commented 2 years ago

For robot-name, there are a few possibilities:

for those exercises using text, I see that text has now been added, so I am now hoping that if package.yaml is submitted, those will work.

adql commented 2 years ago

Ok, my bad for not having understood before that I should also submit package.yaml explicitly. The solutions to both robot-name and bob work when I do. Thanks for the help!

That said, it may be helpful to add an instruction to submit package.yaml where the exercise description suggests a library (as in bob); and/or a short comment about this under "Using packages" in Testing on the Haskell track. Otherwise the student might assume (as I did) that exercism submit xyz.hs also automatically submits project files.

petertseng commented 2 years ago

Absolutely correct to suggest this. https://github.com/exercism/haskell/issues/1038 and https://github.com/exercism/haskell/issues/1039 created

petertseng commented 2 years ago

Here is how future items should be handled:

If the error is Cabal file info not found for PACKAGE, decide whether it should be added to https://github.com/exercism/haskell-test-runner/blob/main/pre-compiled/package.yaml#L11, and if the decision is favourable, add it.

If the error is of the form:

Could not load module ‘MODULE’
It is a member of the hidden package ‘PACKAGE’.
Perhaps you need to add ‘PACKAGE’ to the build-depends in your .cabal file.

then the advice in https://github.com/exercism/haskell/issues/1006#issuecomment-1008054321 applies.

It's too much to keep talking about two different errors in the same issue, because then it's hard to tell what's relevant to what. Discussion about robot-name moved to https://github.com/exercism/haskell/issues/1042.