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Where are the ECMAScript communities and enthusiasts? #409

Closed kytrinyx closed 3 years ago

kytrinyx commented 6 years ago

As we move towards the launch of the new version of Exercism we are going to be ramping up on actively recruiting people to help provide feedback.

Our goal is to get to 100%: everyone who submits a solution and wants feedback should get feedback. Good feedback. You can read more about this aspect of the new site here: http://mentoring.exercism.io/

To do this, we're going to need a lot more information about where we can find language enthusiasts.

In other words: where do people care a lot and/or know a lot about ECMAScript?

This is part of the project being tracked in https://github.com/exercism/meta/issues/103

SleeplessByte commented 5 years ago

In general, online or offline, people will refer to ECMAScript as JavaScript and generally not know the difference between the language specification (ECMAScript) and the various implementations. ECMAScript in general is not taught, or "chatted" about, but in reality it's what we mean most of the time when we say "...well in JS you can X, Y, Z".

Is ECMAScript supported by one or more large organizations?

It has various implementation which are all supported by a large or multiple large companies. Here is a list of various well and lesser known implementations. The list of engines is much longer, but this should suffice for now.

Because several languages, frameworks, engines and combinations are built on top of the ECMAScript specification (or an implementation -> e.g. Node on V8), these are also supporting the underlying ECMAScript. A few are:

Does ECMAScript have an official community manager?

I don't know what this question really entails. The thing that comes closest is the TC39 group as listed above.

Do you know of specific communities (online or offline) that are enthusiastic about ECMAScript? (Chat communities, forums, meetups, student clubs, etc). Are there popular conferences for ECMAScript? (If so, what are some examples?)

I would say that apart from the TC39 task group, and the RFCs and contributions around it, talks and panels, there are various groups and communities that talk about specific implementations. There are various conferences and followings:

This does not include all the specific communities revolving around the fast ecosystems, frameworks and platforms built with and on top of JavaScript (and therefore ultimately ECMAScript). Think about Vue, React (native), Express and Node specific communities (such as nodeconf and event by the linux foundation, but also Framework Summit and connect.tech and conferences such as perf.now).

Several shows cover JavaScript or specific implementation updates, such as Chrome Developers' HTTP 203. Additionally, there are several resources to learn the language and there are discussions in the mostly OSS exercise repos (think javascript.info and learn-js.org).

I'm specifically listing conferences and not websites because these places many communities come together as one. There are so many facebook groups and so forth which are comparatively in scale not very important. Personally I don't know of any large communities discussing just ECMAScript.

Are there any organizations who are targeted specifically at getting certain subgroups or demographics interested in ECMAScript? (e.g. kids, teenagers, career changers, people belonging to various groups that are typically underrepresented in tech?)

I think you're looking for something like railsgirls.

Are there specific groups or programs dedicated to mentoring people in ECMAScript?

Are there popular newsletters for ECMAScript?

There are also newsletters not specific to ECMAScript, but will include them such as:

Is ECMAScript taught at programming bootcamps? (If so, what are some examples?)

I'm just going to list 15 random of them, ordered by name, but basically almost all of them:

Is ECMAScript taught at universities? (If so, what are some examples?)

What constitutes as a University is not the same world wide, but in general in the Netherlands, BSc tracks for Computer Science will teach JavaScript as part of their non-elective curriculum.

aprilmintacpineda commented 5 years ago

Is ECMAScript supported by one or more large organizations?

Does http://nodejs.org count? I think this question is a bit hard to answer since AFAIK ECMAScript is a trademark created, by Ecma International, to standardize JavaScript. So is it supported by a large organization? Absolutely YES!

Does ECMAScript have an official community manager?

Hmmm... ECMAScript is NOT a community.

Do you know of specific communities (online or offline) that are enthusiastic about ECMAScript? (Chat communities, forums, meetups, student clubs, etc)

Here in PH, I know a few one

Are there popular conferences for ECMAScript? (If so, what are some examples?)

The groups cited about conduct FREE and PAID events and conferences on a monthly routine.

Are there any organizations who are targeted specifically at getting certain subgroups or demographics interested in ECMAScript? (e.g. kids, teenagers, career changers, people belonging to various groups that are typically underrepresented in tech?)

Those who are interested.

Are there specific groups or programs dedicated to mentoring people in ECMAScript?

Here in the Philippines, none that I know of. Though there are PAID courses that people can enrol to.

Are there popular newsletters for ECMAScript?


Is ECMAScript taught at programming bootcamps? (If so, what are some examples?)

Here in the Philippines, none that I know of. Though there are PAID courses that people can enrol to.

Is ECMAScript taught at universities? (If so, what are some examples?)

AFAIK, no.

kytrinyx commented 5 years ago

@SleeplessByte This is epic, thank you. @aprilmintacpineda This is really useful additional context, much appreciated!

junedev commented 3 years ago

I am closing this issue, we will still refer back to the provided information though.