exercism / jq

Exercism exercises in jq.
MIT License
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Launch tracking #1

Closed kytrinyx closed 2 months ago

kytrinyx commented 2 years ago

This issue helps keep track of the tasks you're working on towards launching this track.

The next steps are:

Once you've finished a task, you can check them in this list.


Please ask if you have any questions or if anything is confusing!

ErikSchierboom commented 2 years ago

A jq track! Neat. 🥳

glennj commented 2 years ago

"Add initial exercises" -- almost done. At 25 practice exercises now, 1 concept exercise done and a couple in the pipeline.

glennj commented 1 year ago

Prepare for launch: track icon requested: exercism/website-icons#129

glennj commented 1 year ago

Implement tooling: exercism/jq-test-runner#4 gets the test runner live.

glennj commented 1 year ago

Implement tooling: exercism/snippet-extractor#59

glennj commented 1 year ago

The 12th concept is written. I've checked off the Add initial exercises task.

glennj commented 1 year ago

Find Maintainers: Isaac has helpfully self-selected

glennj commented 1 year ago

Final task before launch: issue #135

glennj commented 2 months ago

No reason to keep this issue hanging around