exercism / lfe

Exercism exercises in Lisp Flavoured Erlang (LFE).
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Update instructions for starting LFE exercises #43

Closed stevenproctor closed 7 years ago

stevenproctor commented 7 years ago

There were two different options in best to get up and running.

This change reduces the instructions to only outline how to get up and running by using make.

The hope is that by giving the reader only one path to follow, this eases the getting started flow as the reader doesn't have to try and make guesses about what needs to be done without having deep context of the toolchain that LFE uses, if they are wanting to get up and running to see if LFE is something they might want to invest more time into learning.

yurrriq commented 7 years ago

Thanks for getting this started! I would suggest s/compile/test/ in the make instruction you edited, since make compile won't actually compile test/*.lfe. The rebar (note: not rebar3) commands later on, e.g. get-deps also no longer apply.

stevenproctor commented 7 years ago

Should it just be that we cd into the directory for the exercise and run make test? Am I understanding your response correctly?

RE: rebar. I was holding off on the rebar commands, as I didn't know how much those were changed vs what I went through to get back up and running after just under a year since last time I opened up Exercism.

yurrriq commented 7 years ago

Exactly. make compile can be used to check for syntax errors, basically, and will only compile src/*.lfe. As far as I'm concerned, we don't support older rebar so we should probably remove all references to it. I haven't done extensive testing, but the latest lfe-compile plugin may also require rebar3 >= 3.1 or so.

stevenproctor commented 7 years ago

Going to remove the "getting started" text of:

Setup needed (only needs to be done once):

$ cd </path/to/exercism>/lfe
$ rebar get-deps compile
$ export ERL_LIBS=$(find deps -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 | tr '\n' ':')

as well, since this refers to rebar and I am removing the other reference at the bottom of the docs about the deps are tracked at the top level.

yurrriq commented 7 years ago

@kytrinyx et al. can chime in here but I think that's out of scope for an individual language track.

yurrriq commented 7 years ago

I'd say we should link to one or both of http://exercism.io/how-it-works/newbie and http://exercism.io/how-it-works

kytrinyx commented 7 years ago

That makes me think we should have a page we can link to that is not the homepage, and which guides you to whichever how-it-works is appropriate for you. A somewhat related discussion: https://github.com/exercism/discussions/issues/31

yurrriq commented 7 years ago

Merging this now to get rid of the misinformation. We can always add/edit later.