exercism / php

Exercism exercises in PHP.
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#48in24: rna-transcription 2024-06-25 #730

Closed mk-mxp closed 1 month ago

mk-mxp commented 1 month ago

Do not redesign the student's interface or add test cases that would invalidate existing community solutions. These are extra tasks, which should be discussed in advance.

fejan-malek commented 1 month ago

Running bin configlet command will update the config.json file and I think there is something wrong with source_url. Please confirm this. Thanks!


  "authors": [],
  "contributors": [
  "files": {
    "solution": [
    "test": [
    "example": [
  "blurb": "Given a DNA strand, return its RNA Complement Transcription.",
  "source": "Hyperphysics",
  "source_url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20220408112140/http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Organic/transcription.html"
mk-mxp commented 1 month ago


If you ran the configlet command, all files are updated according to a common source for problem statements, called problem specifications. This is our "source of truth" for the markdown files, config.json and the tests we will use (listed in .meta/tests.toml).

Please don't change anything in the markdown files. ~~~~exercism/notes is a marker string specific to exercism and valid markdown. It is not just a code block.

The links in markdown or config.json are chosen by Exercism staff. If a link is not working (you can't open it in your browser or the page you get is nothing about the exercise), report that in problem specifications. In this case: The web archive project is a well known not-for-profit service helping against internet volatility - they store and deliver web pages from the past.

Just re-run the sync command and commit everything it changes - that's what we expect to get.

mk-mxp commented 1 month ago

For most community solutions, adding the empty string test was no problem. I only found one cheaty solution that will fail. And more than 50% of the solutions are outdated anyways (file name changed long time ago).