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Rework roman numerals files #2378

Closed iHiD closed 5 months ago

iHiD commented 6 months ago

Feedback greatly valued!

iHiD commented 6 months ago

It occurs to me while writing this that while I intuitively know that MCMXC is read as M + CM + XC, I don't know why it's that over MC + M + XC. So I think these instructions need improving 😁

iHiD commented 5 months ago

Hi everyone. I've rewritten quite a lot of the rewrite to address the various comments. I'm marking everything as "Resolved" to keep this clean (nearly every line had some comment! 😁), but please re-comment on things that are still not right. This is a tricky one to get right 🙂

iHiD commented 5 months ago

OK. Done another version. Thank you to those still going with this, especially @MatthijsBlom and @BNAndras!

Matthijs - I've based it around your draft and your comments basically. I think it flows well enough to make sense of and is factually correct, but please let me know if you disagree.

That said, I feel this is tons better than the old version, so I'd like Erik to merge it in the morning (@ErikSchierboom - please accept any suggestions for typos etc first!) and then we can always refine further this week if neeed.

MatthijsBlom commented 5 months ago

@ErikSchierboom mind: there are dependencies between some of my suggestions. Maybe there'll be conflicts. Sorry for the mess.