exercism / racket

Exercism exercises in Racket.
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Implement additional exercises #297

Open BNAndras opened 8 months ago

BNAndras commented 8 months ago



Adrien-LUDWIG commented 8 months ago

I only know Racket through the #12in23 challenge and did 10 exercises... But I would be happy to try implementing one! 😄 I think I could try to implement binary-search, for example.

This would be the first time I create an exercise. I already read most of the documentation.

I could not make the "generate" command of the configlet work, but I successfully used sync and uuid to create .docs/instructions.md, .docs/introduction.md, .meta/config.json and .meta/tests.toml. If I'm not mistaken, I need to add binary-search.rkt (the slug), binary-search-test.rkt and .meta/example.rkt.

BNAndras commented 8 months ago

Yeah, that's correct. There's no test generator so you'll need to create those files by hand. You can use another practice exercise to get an idea of the general structure for those files. Of course, I'll be glad to review anything even a work in progress. You can ping me here or on the Exercism Discord (same username).

I'll claim robot-simulator for next week. I'm holding off on bank account since I need to work on the concurrency aspect.

Adrien-LUDWIG commented 8 months ago

Oh, now I see why I misunderstood generate. The documentation about Generating Documents talks about exercises' from Problem Specifications having an introduction.md. But now I see they are synced, not generated.

I'll try to create a WIP PR soon!

Adrien-LUDWIG commented 8 months ago

I'm now working on proverb. 😉

BNAndras commented 8 months ago

Sounds great. I missed that protein-translation isn't implemented so that might be an easy one too. The Clojure and Common Lisp tracks already ported it so one could start from their examples and Racket-ify them. The Emacs Lisp track doesn't have that exercise implemented so that'd be a great follow-up PR.

BNAndras commented 8 months ago

But you're welcome to implement any other exercises I haven't listed. This issue simply started off as my "wouldn't these be nice to add" list.

Adrien-LUDWIG commented 8 months ago

I'll take a look at protein-translation next then!

I might not continue at this pace after Hacktoberfest (since I have to find a job too :sweat_smile:) but I'll try to keep adding one from time to time. It helped me take the plunge! 😄

BNAndras commented 6 months ago

Picking this back up. I'll work through flatten-array, robot-simulator, and square-root next week.

dreig commented 6 months ago

Can I contribute here too? I'd start with queen-attack if that's OK?

BNAndras commented 6 months ago

Yeah, go ahead. :)