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crate availability should be documented in some way on the site #1365

Closed zesty closed 12 months ago

zesty commented 2 years ago

wish list of included documentation:

example 5d ago iteration, where they seemed to give up on using the rand crate, which was available at the time: https://exercism.org/tracks/rust/exercises/diffie-hellman/solutions/p1way

example 6d ago iteration, where user got a failure, then uploaded Cargo.lock (likely per the error message), then also got a failure when including Cargo.toml with Cargo.lock, and then seemed to give up --- I suspect (but am too lazy to check) that including Cargo.lock caused the failure: https://exercism.org/tracks/rust/exercises/diffie-hellman/solutions/viet-nv

senekor commented 12 months ago

This is important. Problems with dependencies are pretty pervasive. https://github.com/exercism/rust-test-runner/pull/77 should alleviate many of these problems, as the most recent versions should regularly be made available. Once that's merged, we can also include a pointer to that Cargo.toml in the documentation, it includes the exact versions of currently available crates.