exercism / sqlite

Exercism exercises in SQLite.
MIT License
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Foregones? #59

Open BNAndras opened 6 months ago

BNAndras commented 6 months ago

Once the track goes live, it'll be listed on https://exercism.org/challenges/48in24/implementation_status. Are there any of those exercises we can go ahead and marked foregone? Or just cross the bridge when we get to each week?

vaeng commented 6 months ago

Let's go forward with the track and vote here to drop exercises via vote. That way we can discuss it a bit.

Week Exercise Drop?
4 roman-numerals
5 protein-translation
6 list-ops B I
7 acronym
8 circular-buffer V B I
9 parallel-letter-frequency B I
11 sieve
13 scrabble-score
15 pangram
16 all-your-base
17 zebra-puzzle I
18 minesweeper
19 dnd-character
20 pig-latin
21 space-age
23 matching-brackets
24 rna-transcription
25 binary-search V B
26 spiral-matrix
27 secret-handshake
28 anagram
29 kindergarten-garden
30 robot-simulator
31 knapsack
33 pascals-triangle
34 hamming
35 rotational-cipher
36 phone-number
39 two-bucket
40 grade-school
41 bank-account
42 food-chain
45 run-length-encoding
47 diamond
48 largest-series-product
BNAndras commented 6 months ago

Added some preliminary votes. Instead of using Xs, I'm using the first letter of our GitHub usernames so we can easily track who voted where.