exercism / v2-configlet

Tool to assist in managing Exercism language tracks.
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[DNM] UUID doctor command #107

Closed nywilken closed 6 years ago

nywilken commented 7 years ago

An initial attempt to adding a diagnostic command for validating and repairing exercise UUIDs within a track. See sample output below.

This is something I put together, as a quick one off, to fix tracks with invalid UUIDs. I'm wondering if the doctor command is something worth having. The command as it stands is a bit rough, in that it reads the raw JSON file, replaces some bits, and spits it back out. Basically, side stepping the whole JSON ordering, munging for now to fix UUIDs.

I would love your thoughts, feedback, and I always welcome the review 🙇

dev [0] go-1.9.2 in ~/Development/oss/exercism/tracks/ 
> ls -1 | xargs -n1 -I{} configlet uuid doctor {} 2>&1

[X] 03808072-0228-6580-7a9b-cc709a8a5b8c0e600b9 (bash:atbash-cipher)
[X] d42g42d7-21b1-4daf-8ddc-a2ab9ee07c98 (clojure:spiral-matrix)
[X] 6efa02be-0f9e-1d80-7efb-536d383535c98b1d883 (common-lisp:acronym)
[X] ba4e0186-0389-af80-d3e4-695dfc4e63bff1fa503 (cpp:atbash-cipher)
[X] ce9fd8ac-0beb-1a80-4ff6-be19ce1540d905c31b7 (cpp:bracket-push)
[X] ea8d6224-0440-6d80-1569-a04127908a200d2ecf0 (cpp:pangram)
[X] d6657d4a-0257-0c80-6667-fddd127a571f0ad1fd4 (dart:raindrops)
[X] 765b5bcf-00e0-d180-ea7f-92dae26e6da0b30151c (delphi:hello-world)
[X] b38f504c-098e-fe80-896f-60e6c45751033d26161 (delphi:two-fer)
[X] cd80ef91-0451-c380-3d58-01a2ddff3029f430eea (delphi:bob)
[X] 9234d900-050c-5980-561b-e1f772ae2b9c7b3fd08 (delphi:leap)
[X] e8849e37-0b3e-ec80-c41c-c53f2a871f6ee59e2d6 (delphi:rna-transcription)
[X] 3b1391da-04c2-e580-30a5-6063e888da196dfba6a (delphi:raindrops)
[X] 68c5b50b-03c0-4880-af0f-9cfacb1ba507e837d12 (delphi:hamming)
[X] bb32f666-0f50-e480-9738-e4e3e8f7ece13c9b460 (delphi:bank-account)
[X] d5cae090-0626-c880-3b62-58ed5d301931de3171d (delphi:nucleotide-count)
[X] 4e538a24-0e30-2b80-2b3f-82ca73b593a81a8cc8d (delphi:etl)
[X] acf5b5ab-03d7-0e80-f419-255df25d35a2466a421 (delphi:grains)
[X] d8093412-0665-0280-b4ae-edd0a7b483a316f236b (delphi:collatz-conjecture)
[X] 311b59d8-01ed-0780-14a9-fa94a2937508a4fbf40 (delphi:beer-song)
nywilken commented 7 years ago

Is there an impact to the server structure of Exercism if we swap out UUIDs for exercises?

So right now this doesn't seem to be an issue because it looks like the Trackler gem is handling UUID information, which is taken directly from the config.json. Here's an example https://github.com/exercism/exercism.io/blob/master/api/v1/routes/uuids.rb

However, I suspect that this may change in the future once Nextercism is reading UUIDs from a DB; making the repair option a bit tricky.

@kytrinyx please let me know if I'm off with how things currently work. In the mean time, I will keep this PR pinned and start working on creating PRs in the track repos to fix invalid UUIDs.

Thanks again for the feedback and review.

kytrinyx commented 7 years ago

Is there an impact to the server structure of Exercism if we swap out UUIDs for exercises?

Not on v1. We will need to do a full database refresh on v2, but that's already planned / something we need to do anyway.

I'm wondering if the doctor command is something worth having.

My gut feeling is that it's better as a one-off command for our own use in the period while we're getting everything fixed than a long-term addition.

nywilken commented 6 years ago

Closing this PR. I will keep my branch up to date in case we need to fix UUIDs later on.