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[Python] Implement new Concept Exercise: numbers #2208

Closed BethanyG closed 3 years ago

BethanyG commented 4 years ago

This issue describes how to implement the numbers concept exercise for the Python track.

Getting started

Please please please read the docs before starting. Posting PRs without reading these docs will be a lot more frustrating for you during the review cycle, and exhaust Exercism's maintainers' time. So, before diving into the implementation, please read up on the following documents:

Please also watch the following video:


The goal of this exercise is to teach the basics of theint , float , and complex numeric types (numbers) in Python.

Learning objectives

Out of scope



Resources to refer to


Hints can link to the builtin function docs mentioned above, with appropriate prompts.

Concept Description

(a variant of this can be used for the v3/languages/python/concepts/<concept>/about.md doc and this exercises introduction.md doc.)

Python has three different types of built-in numbers: integers (int), floating-point (float, and complex (complex). Fractions (fractions.Fraction) and Decimals (decimal.Decimal) are also available via import from the standard library.

Whole numbers (including hex, octals and binary numbers) without decimal places are identified as ints:

#whole number
>>> 1234
>>> type(1234)
<class 'int'>

>>> -12

#hex number
>>> 0x17
>>> type(0x17)
<class 'int'>

#octal number
>>> 0o446
>>> type(0o446)
<class 'int'>

#binary number
>>> 0b1100110
>>> type(0b1100110)
<class 'int'>

Numbers containing a decimal point are identified as floats:

>>> 3.45
>>> type(3.45)
<class 'float'>

Appending j or J to a number creates a imaginary number -- a complex number with a zero real part. Integers or floats can then be added to an imaginary number to create a complex number with both real and imaginary parts:

>>> 3j
>>> type(3j)
<class 'complex'>

>>> 3.5+4j


Python fully supports arithmetic between these different number types, and will convert narrower numbers to match their less narrow counterparts when used with binary arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, and %). ints are narrower than floats, which are considered narrower than complex. Comparisons between different number types behaves as as if the exact values of those numbers were being compared:

#the int is widened to a float here, and a float is returned
>>> 3 + 4.0

#the int is widened to a complex number, and a complex number is returned
>>> 6/(3+2j)

#division always returns a float, even if integers are used
>>> 6/2

#if an int result is needed, you can use floor division to truncate the result
>>> 6//2

#when comparing, exact values are used
>>> 23 == 0x17

>>> 0b10111 == 0x17

>>> 6 == (6+0j)

All numbers (except complex) support the same general arithmetic operations, evaluated according to operator precedence.

Precision & Representation

Integers in Python have arbitrary precision -- the amount of digits is limited only by the available memory of the host system.

Floating point numbers are usually implemented using a double in C (15 decimal places of precision), but will vary in representation based on the host system. Complex numbers have a real and an imaginary part, both of which are represented by floating point numbers.

For a more detailed discussion of the issues and limitations of floating point arithmetic, take a look at The Python Tutorial.






Tests should be written using unittest.TestCase, and the test file named numbers_test.py.

Code in the .meta/example.py file should only use syntax & concepts introduced in this exercise or one of its prerequisites. Please do not use comprehensions, generator expressions, or other syntax not previously covered. Please also follow PEP8 guidelines.


If you have any questions while implementing the exercise, please post the questions as comments in this issue.

BethanyG commented 3 years ago

@mohanrajanr will be taking this on! šŸŽ‰ (thank you Mohan!), you are a šŸŒŸ

BethanyG commented 3 years ago

Note: I linked #2875 as a PR that can close this issue. We can re-open or re-work this issue for a follow-on complex numbers focused exercise when the time comes. šŸ˜„