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[C#] Implement new Concept Exercise: nullability #961

Closed ErikSchierboom closed 4 years ago

ErikSchierboom commented 4 years ago

This issue describes how to implement the nullability concept exercise for the C# track.

Getting started

Please please please read the docs before starting. Posting PRs without reading these docs will be a lot more frustrating for you during the review cycle, and exhaust Exercism's maintainers' time. So, before diving into the implementation, please read up on the following documents:

Please also watch the following video:


The goal of this exercise is to teach the student the basics of the Concept of Nullability in [C#].

Learning objectives

Out of scope


This Concepts Exercise's Concepts are:


This Concept Exercise's prerequisites Concepts are:

Resources to refer to




This exercise does not require any specific representation logic to be added to the representer.


This exercise does not require any specific analyzer logic to be added to the analyzer.


If you'd like to work on implementing this exercise, the first step is to let us know through a comment on this issue, to prevent multiple people from working on the same exercise. If you have any questions while implementing the exercise, please also post them as comments in this issue.

Implementing the exercise means creating the following files:

└── csharp
    └── exercises
        └── concept
            └── nullability
                ├── .docs
                |   ├── after.md
                |   ├── hints.md
                |   ├── instructions.md
                |   └── introduction.md
                ├── .meta
                |   ├── config.json
                |   ├── design.md
                |   └── Example.cs
                ├── Nullability.csproj
                ├── Nullability.cs
                └── NullabilityTests.cs

Step 1: add .docs/introduction.md

This file contains an introduction to the concept. It should make the exercise's learning goals explicit and provide a short introduction with enough detail for the student to complete the exercise. The aim is to give the student just enough context to figure out the solution themselves, as research has shown that self-discovery is the most effective learning experience. Using the proper technical terms in the descriptions will be helpful if the student wants to search for more information. If the exercise introduces new syntax, an example of the syntax should always be included; students should not need to search the web for examples of syntax.

As an example, the introduction to a "strings" exercise might describe a string as just a "Sequence of Unicode characters" or a "series of bytes". Unless the student needs to understand more nuanced details in order to solve the exercise, this type of brief explanation (along with an example of its syntax) should be sufficient information for the student to solve the exercise.

Step 2: add .docs/instructions.md

This file contains instructions for the exercise. It should explicitly explain what the student needs to do (define a method with the signature X(...) that takes an A and returns a Z), and provide at least one example usage of that function. If there are multiple tasks within the exercise, it should provide an example of each.

Step 3: add .docs/hints.md

If the student gets stuck, we will allow them to click a button requesting a hint, which shows this file. This will not be a "recommended" path and we will (softly) discourage them using it unless they can't progress without it. As such, it's worth considering that the student reading it will be a little confused/overwhelmed and maybe frustrated.

The file should contain both general and task-specific "hints". These hints should be enough to unblock almost any student. They might link to the docs of the functions that need to be used.

The hints should not spell out the solution, but instead point to a resource describing the solution (e.g. linking to documentation for the function to use).

Step 4: add .docs/after.md

Once the student completes the exercise they will be shown this file, which should provide them with a summary of what the exercise aimed to teach. This document can also link to any additional resources that might be interesting to the student in the context of the exercise.

The above four files are also all described in the concept exercises document.

Step 5: update languages/csharp/config.json

An entry should be added to the track's config.json file for the new concept exercise:

  "exercises": {
    "concept": [
        "slug": "nullability",
        "uuid": "370e7e54-6a96-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003",
        "concepts": ["nullability"],
        "prerequisites": [

Step 6: adding track-specific files

These files are specific to the C# track:

Check out an existing exercise to see what these files should look like.

Step 7: update the general concept document

Add the exercise to the concept's shared document's ## Implementations section (example).

Step 8: updating char of implemented exercises

Step 9: add .meta/design.md:

This file contains information on the exercise's design, which includes things like its goal, its teaching goals, what not to teach, and more (example). This information can be extracted from this GitHub issue.

Step 10: add .meta/config.json:

This file contains meta information on the exercise, which currently only includes the exercise's contributors (example).


When implementing this exericse, it can be very useful to look at already implemented C# exercises. You can also check the general char concept documentation to see if any other languages have already implemented a nullability exercise.

maurelio1234 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I want to work on this exercise

ErikSchierboom commented 4 years ago

Awesome! Feel free to post questions here or in the Slack channel if you have any.