exerro / Sheets

Yet another GUI framework for ComputerCraft.
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Dropdown menus #29

Open exerro opened 7 years ago

exerro commented 7 years ago

Dropdown menus will be activated arbitrarily and will display a list of options generated from some string or table format. Complementary classes DropdownButtonActivator and DropdownRightClickActivator will be implemented to make it easier to use them.

The format for dropdown menu content will be somewhat like this:

<button id="copy">Copy</button>
<toggle id="toggle1" initial="on"/>

As this format is remarkably similar to what is planned for SML (Sheets Markup Language), dropdown menus might wait until SML is implemented and just use that inside a column mode Layout.

LoganDark commented 6 years ago

You thinking of something a little like this? dropdowns If so, I may be able to help.

exerro commented 6 years ago

Go for it, I'm not working on this anymore but will merge decent pull requests.

LoganDark commented 6 years ago

Problem is my code is horribly messy, and doesn't fit into your class system. I doubt you'd help me fix those two problems.

exerro commented 6 years ago

Send the code, I'll take a look. If it's unreadably messy, comments would help.

LoganDark commented 6 years ago

It's not that it's unreadably messy, but that it's just... horrible. I'll send it in a bit, I'm a little busy atm.