exeter-creww / SFM_Precision

A workflow to create precision maps in python
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Update module with type of statistic (default mean) #31

Closed AndrewCunliffe closed 4 years ago

AndrewCunliffe commented 4 years ago

stat = 'mean' *default Alternative arguments if specified include 'max', 'min', and 'percentile=90' etc.

h-a-graham commented 4 years ago

Now added but no checks on number of input classes - prehaps add this in future. adding more than 1 is an issue as it presumes that stdev is always second. For now I think this is fine...

AndrewCunliffe commented 4 years ago

That is a really good point about the checks, as it would be difficult for a user to have visibility that they are not calculating what they think they are if they enter the wrong number of arguments. Maybe a check on the argument is helpful?

h-a-graham commented 4 years ago

Or maybe we should allow multiple inputs and then just ensure that stdev is always the last band (allowing the program to identify the correct band every time)... that could work?

AndrewCunliffe commented 4 years ago

Yes, that could work... what would the implications be for the change detection map?

Perhaps if multiple statistics are requested, multiple change detection maps should be genereated?

(i.e. by default, only change_mean.tiff is produced, if (stat=max, mean, percentile=90) then change_max and change_mean and change_percentile=90? We might want to chat about this in person though as it could get complex?

AndrewCunliffe commented 4 years ago

Okay, so after some further discussion, we think that there are issues with using roughness (StDev of Z) when using statistic other than the mean (or perhaps median), as StDev doesn't really make sense with Max, Min or another Percentile. So, we're not going to include these other statistics in this module.

h-a-graham commented 4 years ago

Hi All, Just adding in this now so that only stat option are mean or median (mean default). @AndrewCunliffe , can you direct me to the correct syntax for percentiles so we can do the median? struggling to find this...

AndrewCunliffe commented 4 years ago

For now, we will only support mean.

PDAL doesn't currently support other percentiles (see this dsicussion), but hopefully this might be changed in the future.