exgalsky / mockgen

Extragalactic mock sky generation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Write N-body ICs to a file #5

Closed marcelo-alvarez closed 4 months ago

marcelo-alvarez commented 4 months ago

Adds the ICs class with a method to write particle positions, masses and velocities, suitable for use in N-body sims. See comment below for more details.

marcelo-alvarez commented 4 months ago

@1cosmologist this is ready for you to review (not requesting for you to validate accuracy of the output files).


srun -n 16 mockgen mockgen-5 --N 2048 --Niter 1 --laststep writeics --icw --zInit 50

on 4 GPU nodes (16 GPUs total) of Perlmutter in the directory


generates the files


@jmsexton03 can you have a look and see if these files look ok? If so then we can look at running Nyx on these outside of this issue. They should correspond to the ICs for LCDM cosmology at z=50 in a 7700 Mpc box at 2048^3 resolution, for the following cosmological parameters passed to CAMB:

            'T_cmb': 2.72548,
            'h': 0.68,
            'Omega_m': 0.31,      # Matter density fraction
            'Omega_b': 0.0493890, # baryon density fraction
            'Omega_k': 0.,
#=============Spectral params===================
            'A_s': 2.10058e-9,   # scalar amplitude
            'n_s': 0.96605,      # scalar spectral index
            'alpha_s': 0.,       # scalar spectral running
            'k_pivot': 0.05,     # pivot scale for scalar perturbations
            'r': 0.,             # tensor to scalar ratio
            'n_t': 0.,           # tensor spectral index
            'alpha_t': 0.,       # tensor spectral running

            'tau_reion': 0.0543,    # optical depth at reionization
            'YHe': 0.2454,          # Helium fraction
#=============Light relics===========================
            'N_ur': 2.0328,     # Ultra-relativistic species (ultra-light neutrinos)
            'N_ncdm': 1,        # Light massive relics including massive neutrinos
            'm_ncdm': 0.06,     # mass of non-cold light relics
#===========DE EOS===================================
            'w0': -1.,         
            'wa': 0.
1cosmologist commented 4 months ago

@marcelo-alvarez Can you add the details of the Nyx output format. It would be useful to have it documented or linked as a part of this PR.

marcelo-alvarez commented 4 months ago

@1cosmologist sure here is the documentation for Nyx format: https://amrex-astro.github.io/Nyx/docs_html/ICs.html#start-from-a-binary-file

marcelo-alvarez commented 4 months ago

See comment inline to review about creating a new issue focused on generic interfaces for this functionality.

1cosmologist commented 4 months ago

Create new issues in xgfield and cosmology to add velocity and Hubble_parameter methods. But these codes should not be a part of mockgen.

marcelo-alvarez commented 4 months ago

Thanks @1cosmologist for the review. This code needs to be re-written in order to address the issues you raised, so I'm closing this PR without merging. I will not delete the branch in case some of the code in it can be reused in a new implementation.